here i go again

fayefern Posts: 57 Member
do you ever feel like it will be an on going battle for the rest of your life?? lose weight, gain it back, lose weight, gain it back...... i have family members (dad, aunt, gramma, cousins) who spent their entire life doing this and i cant seem to break the cycle. it all seems like it should be so simple: eat right & exercise. sometimes i think i should just stay heavy , accept it and quit trying (but thats not what i really want) grrrrrr!


  • katiedid582
    katiedid582 Posts: 16 Member
    My mom has battled weight practically her whole life. She'd lose a decent amount, then gain it back. The thing is (and this is what I'm learning), you can't diet. It has to be a lifestyle change. If you lose weight and continue making healthy choices, you can find balance and maintain a healthy weight. That is my goal once I drop these 40 extra lbs. Good Luck! :smile:
  • rsoice
    rsoice Posts: 212 Member
    Totally understand. My entire family is overweight or obese. The difference is I've seen the damage it's done to them and the lost years of life and I refuse to give up one second. Yes it's a battle tracking what I eat and not eating some of the things I think I want. It sucks getting up at 4:45 every morning to work out but you know what? When I work out, I sleep better and generally feel better for the entire day. My clothes fit and I'll be around when my kids have kids and I'd rather be around setting a good example than be the too fat to do anything grandpa.