150 calories left, and it's only 1:30 pm!

DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
What should I do? It's my 2nd day of trying to eat better and I only have 150 calories left to eat today. I just had lunch. I'm also SOOOO hungry I could definitely eat more! I feel sorta frustrated, as I thought my food choices were good. Just tired of being hungry after only 2 days.


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,556 Member
    Can you get in a workout to "earn" some extra calories? Make certain you are getting protein when you do eat, it fills you up more and lasts longer than just carbs. (And I am not an advocate of giving up carbs).
  • I'm in the same spot - and it's my 2nd day too!
  • sullydog101
    sullydog101 Posts: 9 Member
    Try to eat 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. This is what I do and it holds me over a lot longer than eating 2-3 big meals. Right about the time I get hungry I get to eat one of my planned meals, which keeps snacking down to a minimum.
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    What is your number for the day? Can you do a workout of some kind to burn some off.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    It is time for you to go burn off some calories my friend!! Go for a 3 mile walk, go to the gym.......the only way to earn back eating calories is to burn more off.

    Salad is practically free calories (squeeze of lemon)
    2 oz chicken breast.

    Also, remember you are in deficit to begin with. If you are in 500 calorie deficit then you can eat a sensible meal and not hurt your weight loss, just stall for one day.
  • mommyjos
    mommyjos Posts: 98 Member
    Try to find several things that are low cal, but satistfy the urge to eat...celery, apple, something that has fiber and low cal etc. Also, make sure you're drinking enough water.
    Most of all...don't give up. It's very difficult to go from eating whatever without thinking about it to all the sudden tracking everything. Do the best you can and as your body adjusts it won't be so hard!
    Another thing is to open your food diary up and ask for suggestions from veteran MFP members (if it's not already open).

    You can do it!
  • swtally80
    swtally80 Posts: 278 Member
    It is so so so hard when you are first starting. Know these things: You are going to be hungry, your body has to adjust. Try to log before eating, to make sure your calories are worth it. You CAN do this with a little hard work you will learn how to make your calories work for you. You will slip up along the way but if you do don't let it ruin your whole day or week, just get back up and keep logging!
  • denitraross
    denitraross Posts: 325 Member
    I agree with the workout posts...go do a good 400 cal burn and you can eat :)...if it weren't for my calories burned from working out..I think I would starve.....
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    You may need to review what you are eating. I have slowly changed my food plan and now eat very "clean" (absolutely NO processed) so actually have a hard time getting to my calories each day.
    I eat a lot of fresh veggies, lean protein, and some fruit so find that I often have to incorporate some additional calorie dense items just to get up to my 1200 to1300 each day.

    I am just under 1200 calories for the day based on the following, so will likely add another small piece of fruit, or a handful of unsalted almonds later:

    breakfast: 1/2 c shreddies, 1/4 c Organics granola
    3/4 c skim milk
    1 sm apple

    lunch: 2 slices whole wheat weight watchers bread
    1/2 tsp fat free mayo
    2 hard boiled eggs
    1 c celery

    Dinner: 5 oz chicken breast
    2 c steamed broccoli

    Snacks: 1 c grapes, 1 c sliced cucumber

    This is quite similar to how I eat each day, except for most days I eat a salad with added protein (sliced chicken breast or shrimp) for lunch so will have some brown rice or whole wheat couscous with dinner to get in some additional carbs.

    The cleaner you eat the MORE you can eat!
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Go for a quick 30 minute walk now and then maybe again right before dinner. If it's cold where you live as it is here (presently snowing) just bundle up and do it , trust me it is invigorating! Otherwise my only advice is that you will have days like today but tomorrow is another day. Don't give up, I never thought that at the age of 63 and limited exercise, that I could lose weight. But, since being on MFP, and having all the support, I am doing it! :flowerforyou:
  • jamielee37
    jamielee37 Posts: 57 Member
    For today, get in a workout and then, like many said, eat protein with steamed veggies or something else low calorie to fill you up.
    The best thing i'm finding as I go is to eat small 'meals' throughout the day. For example, this how may day has gone so far...
    8 am Breakfast, I load up-100 cal wheat english muffin with egg whites, low fat mozzarella and a tomato slice. Sometimes a big glass of OJ. Today it was about 430 cals.
    10ish am-Snack-serving of Craisins-150 cals
    12 pm-Lunch!-Healthy Choice Veggie soup with a serving of oyster crackers-240 cals
    Just now-Snack-10 fresh snap beans-21 cals

    I'm at about 800 calories for the day and have a little over 500 left for dinner and a late snack AND I'm going to exercise. And I'm NOT hungry. Obviously you probably like different foods than me so do what you like!
  • I am in the same boat and hate that. Everyone is right though if you have a craving for a bit more just burn some cals off and go at it. I have to do this before and after Sunday football...beer and snacks can add the cals up quick!
  • helmbrlr
    helmbrlr Posts: 2 Member
    Before using mfp, I didn't really pay attention to what I was eating. Now, I make a point to eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. When I first started, I didn't find myself starving - I could pretty much eat as much of those as I could. But, I did have cravings for other foods...As someone else mentioned, water also makes a big difference. Having 6-8 glasses of water a day will definitely fills you up, but I still struggle. I've tried to drink a glass before every meal, or everytime I go in the kitchen, carry a water bottle, etc.
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    You guys are awesome, thanks for the support!

    I'm teaching music ALL day, so I really don't see a time to work out until very late night. Though I suppose I could do that. I really hate making excuses, but I have the worst headache too, not sure if it's from being hungry or lack or sugar or, other woman things, hint hint :)

    I'm a vegetarian and also have food allergies to all good vegetarian protein sources like all nuts, lentils and peas. My main protein is from beans and dairy. Anyways, here's what I ate so far:

    2 pieces 100% whole wheat toast.
    1 tbl simply fruit
    1 medium banana

    Lunch: egg tortilla wrap
    2 hard boiled eggs
    handful of spinach
    2 TBL mayo (this was a mistake)
    1 slice provalone cheese
    1 flour tortilla

    Granola bar snack

    starving, so I ate some reduced fat wheat thins too. Still starving!

    My alloted calories are 1200 a day. Hubby thinks it's too little, but I weigh 132, I'm 5'2" and trying to lose a pound a week.
  • NCisME
    NCisME Posts: 41 Member
    I have a very limited amount left today too :(

    Sooo..I'm going to hit the gym for an hour spin class and when I go home, I'm going to have a tasty egg white omelete w/mushrooms, tomato and onion in half of a wheat pita. :)
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    Given your weight (132) and your desire to lose 17 pounds, I think trying to lose a pound a week is fast. Frankly, you're not trying to lose alot of weight (you don't need to!), and I think 1200 cal a day is a pretty tight rope. What about re-calculating losing a half-pound a week, maybe giving you an extra couple hundred calories per day. You'll still lose, but it sounds like a happy medium, and you'll only had a few months to your diet.
  • landry1
    landry1 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, sorry if i"m late on replying. I'm a vegan chef and here are some things you could have changed about what you ate to be under your calories.

    Breakfast was great
    Lunch: egg whites instead of the whole egg no mayo (try 1 tsp of hummus ) no cheese and try the 100 calorie multi grain sandwich thins and spinach add cucumber and tomato and a cup of soup vegetable soup (about the same calories but much more food)
    Snack: apple or pear and 10 almonds
    Dinner: large garden salad with salsa and 3oz of grilled chicken breast or 1/2 can of tuna.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Eating egg whites only is like taking a multivitamin, cutting it in half, taking it and saying you took a whole vitamin. Most of the beneficial nutrients in an egg are in the yolk, and 2 whole eggs a day has been shown to have no adverse affects on bad cholesterol levels in people who already have normal cholesterol levels to start.

    I feel like a broken record, as I've said this in at least 3 other threads today, but you need to plan out your day ahead of time. Eventually you'll get the hang of it and be able to not plan every single thing every day, but for now you need to sit down the night before and plan every single thing you're going to eat, including actual amounts of everything. Once you have all of your meals planned out, plan the times you'll eat.

    Now just follow the plan.

    Don't add anything extra during the day. Yeah, you might be really hungry sometimes. You'll get used to it, and your metabolism will slow down just a little, making it easier to stay under your daily numbers. Remember, you've already been eating when you're hungry, and it hasn't worked for you. Having a plan will also make it easier to push through the times when you're hungry.

    There are other tricks too. For me, I found avoiding carbs earlier in the day and trying to get plenty of proteins and a good amount of fats helped keep me from getting hungry. If I eat carbs, it's usually later in the day, and no, it doesn't matter what time of day you eat your carbs.

    If you go over sometimes, don't worry! It'll happen! Every day is a learning experience, and you'll get the hang of it eventually.
  • tiedye
    tiedye Posts: 331 Member
    Make sure you're drinking plenty of water!
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    What do you have your daily activity level set as? 1200 might be too few calories for you, atleast at first. I had the opposite problem when I started I was allotted 1550 a day and was stuffing myself to get to it, but once I started eating that instead of 1000-1200 I began to lose. So I think maybe review your activity level and go up one if you need to. And then like everyone else said squeeze an extra work out in to get more calories and spread the meals out if possible.
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