training for an 8k.

Hello Everyone,

I am new to running. Just started 2 1/2 weeks ago, and did my first 5k last weekend. Had to walk a little bit of it, but I finnished it, and was very proud of myself.
I have a couple of questions. I live in Wisconsin and it is already getting pretty cold outside. wind chill is 8 degrees right now. How do I stay warm enough to run outside. I have been looking at buying some under armour, but for their 'cool gear' it says for under 55 degrees. 55 would feel very warm to me right now, :) I wish it would only get that cold for the winter. I know the weather is going to get a lot worse, below zero for some part of the winter. What should I do? Is it worth paying $100 for a pair of pants and a shirt? Will they work? Does anyone live where it is cold and run outside all winter? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,


  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I used to live in a town in Northern BC and last winter I would run in like -25 in the snow. Here is what I would wear: Shoes with the metal grippy-things, two pairs of socks, two pairs of yoga pants (Lululemon is awsome), sports bra, tank top, long sleeve (moisture wicking) sports shirt, lululemon hoodie and my waterproof running jacket. I also wore mittens, toque and a scarf over my face. A LOT OF CLOTHES but once I got going, I was toasty-roasty warm and enjoyed myself.
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    Although it doesn't get that cold here, I have a closet full of under armour! that's what I use when we go skiing. I think the biggest thing for you would be to layer, layer, layer! But yes, under armour is a great investment! Just don't use fabric softener with it. It will break down the components that wick away the sweat (told to me by my sister in law who used to work for UA). You can also look to see if there is an UA outlet somewhere close by. We have one in our outlet shopping center.

    Good luck on your 8k. I am running my first one this sunday!! YIKES!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I live in New Brunswick Canada and ran in -15 weather last weekend for about 1hr and 10 minutes. Yes it is worth paying the money to have good gear to cover up and not get frostbite. This is what I wear: thermo undergear and then I have winter running pants (like windbreaker material for the front of the leg and thicker thermo stuff for the back leg), I then have another layer for upper body and my running room windbreaker jacket. I also wear a neckwarmer than I can pull over my ears and lower part of my face for those windy days, I have mittens/gloves and a hat... I also use body glide for days when it's REALLY windy and -20 or colder - I put this on exposed skin so not to freeze. Oh, and I have thick smart wool socks :) Wouldn't run without all of this gear throughout winter - I love it! CHEERS!

    PS- cotton's rotten! Get technical stuff to whick away the sweat. Once cotton gets wet - you'll freeze!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I would just build up several layers of clothes, and invest in a gator mask to protect your lungs :)
  • erica714
    erica714 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks everyone :)