Please help me get motivated!

I have tried every diet going and have had enough, I am short 5ft 1" and 201 lbs and have just started eating 1300 calories a day in a bid to loose weight once and for all. My thinking is portion size and control over sweet things etc may be easier for me if I can see it all in front of me. Can you tell me if this is the right amount for me to loose weight please? we go away on the 21st of October and would like to drop a size if possible by then. I want a lifestyle change not a diet but don't know how to stay focused I am so weak :( any suggestions greatly appreciated, I do not do much exercise at the moment but have just purchased a rower so will be trying to use that 3 times a week. Thank you in advance :)


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    1.) you have to do it yourself- no one will motivate you if you don't want it.
    2.) motivation is over rated- goals with drive and determination are more important than warm fuzzy motivation- that *kitten* wears off fast and then you're wondering why you aren't doing the things you want.
    3.) 1300 sounds low for someone you're size.
    4.) seriously do not worry about vacation or going away. You are who you are and you'lll have a good time no matter what size you are.
    5.) steady SUSTAINABLE calorie deficit, moderate cardio- and some form of resistance/weight training.
    6.) Operate on a schedule and do not deviet- regardless of how you "feel" about doing the thing.

    Success comes from following the plan- not "feeling like going to work out" that's just to easy to fall out of.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    1.) you have to do it yourself- no one will motivate you if you don't want it.
    2.) motivation is over rated- goals with drive and determination are more important than warm fuzzy motivation- that *kitten* wears off fast and then you're wondering why you aren't doing the things you want.
    3.) 1300 sounds low for someone you're size.
    4.) seriously do not worry about vacation or going away. You are who you are and you'lll have a good time no matter what size you are.
    5.) steady SUSTAINABLE calorie deficit, moderate cardio- and some form of resistance/weight training.
    6.) Operate on a schedule and do not deviet- regardless of how you "feel" about doing the thing.

    Success comes from following the plan- not "feeling like going to work out" that's just to easy to fall out of.

    This. It's gotta come from within, I'm afraid.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I am 5'1 and started out in January with a 1200 calorie diet. I was hungry at times, but lost weight. My trainer assured me that I could eat more... so I bumped it up to 1400 and I stil lost weight. Granted I work out hard 5-6 days a week. I went from a size 8 to a 4 and 21 lbs lost. If you are diligent, I see no reason why a short term goal of dropping a dress size wont happen by October. By then, you will have the momentum needed to carry on when your trip is over. My motivation was a trip to Hawaii in July. I wanted to wear a bikini. I was successful and when I returned I wasnt about to lose all my hard work and just stop going to the gym.

    My advice is baby steps... take it one day at a time and if you mess up one meal, start the very next meal off right again. Do not, repeat, do not, say "Ill just start over tomorrow" That will get you nowhere fast

    Good Luck!!