Gains, the bad kind....

So I am in the military. As a matter of fact I came to this site and started my big weight drop off about two years ago and it was an amazing journey. From 330+ pounds to 220 as a final weigh in after basic training. All doing this at the age of 40 now. I spent my year training, worked hard, lost 105 pounds to get in the Navy last year. Accomplished my goals but basic was not what I thought and I over trained. Which is fine, but if any of you have experienced your tech training after basic, a lot of it is spent sitting around. My job was heavy tech training, and I spent 9 months, plus some on Government shut down, sitting around plus weather restrictions (stationed in the Midwest and this past winter was -50), plus the terrible nutrition, so the weight came back. Start to creep back. Not a lot at first, 5 pounds here, then ten. I seemed to have arrested the fall. Then I failed a basic measurement standard to be kept within. So I was placed in FEP, a sort of targeted work out session.

It helped and I maintained right around 235. I could live with 15 pounds. But now that I have come home, waiting for my next deployment, I injured myself because they're version of workouts was not proper and even as I told them we should not do things a certain way and it would make people prone to injury, you cannot really say no. So now my left shoulder and right foot and knee are hurting a lot. It has prevented me from working out as hard as I used to. Running, weight lifting and everything else. Now I am guessing where I am at. Near the 250 mark. I hate it. I hate myself for it happening. I cannot find my motivation to doing what I used to do. So if I walk my knee and foot act up, if I lift even light weights my tendon hurts in my shoulder.

It is a very frustrating place to be, and yes I know you can lose weight by dieting, however, when you just eat and do not move you still put on weight. I have been at this long enough to know that the scales do not balance for each person as our individual body chemistry's work differently. I have never been one to truly blog openly about my life. To share things with those I do not know, but somehow I feel that I am not alone here and I am looking others this has happened too. And maybe rediscover my desire for working out again even at a slow pace and pushing forward to getting back to a healthier me. It sucks. All that pride I had in feeling better, looking better, has dropped. Do not get me wrong, I still lost a lot of weight, just hate myself for letting 30 pounds come back. Maybe tis post, this vent, this release here will allow me to find it again, god knows I have tried everything else......


  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    This is the forum for people trying to gain weight (as you can probably guess from the title). Maybe try posting here?
  • darreneatschicken
    darreneatschicken Posts: 669 Member
    It seems you are injured: "So now my left shoulder and right foot and knee are hurting a lot. It has prevented me from working out as hard as I used to. Running, weight lifting and everything else."

    Probably best to see a physio, they will show you the exercises that you can do to help aid with your recovery. It takes a long time to recover from injuries, I've never been myself, but I know people who have messed up their rotator cuffs and they always talk of how annoying it was, recovering from that. You can't even workout!

    It seems that the source of your injury was being in the military, so that has to cease too if you care about recovering...
  • fheppy
    fheppy Posts: 64 Member
    Looks like you think your only success was in exercise as you don't mention foods/dieting anywhere in your post.
    Why not consider calorie counting? You will still be a man, it doesn't make you feminine. It is not only a woman thing so why not have open mind?

    You seem really frustrated, try not be so strict with yourself. Eat less, if need be eat much less until your body recovers.
  • waxon81
    waxon81 Posts: 198 Member
    ^ yup, if you can't excercise through injury then calorie counting is the best way to lose weight without doubt.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Dude, just eat under your TDEE and you'll lose weight.

    Extremes of exercising make you fit (and sometimes injured). Dietary control makes you lose weight.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Dude, just eat under your TDEE and you'll lose weight.

    Extremes of exercising make you fit (and sometimes injured). Dietary control makes you lose weight.

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