Tall, not super skinny,need support for a 13yr old! :)

I'm posting this because my sister Emma, vented to me about being unhappy with her size..she is very tall and bigger than all the other girls her age. she gets picked on for it, they made her feel bad by saying how "huge" she is. She is athletic, not fat but not skinny..kind of that awkward 13 year old body type. :tongue: normal for most people.
There are pictures of her in my album, the last 2 pictures.: The first picture is of her, 12 at the time, me 26 and my brother that is 10.. obviously I am making a goofy face to express my frustration for being so short. :laugh: The second picture is of her with my daughter.
I've given her all of the support and advice I can, I've struggled with being picked on but I am 5'1 so I can't completely relate to what she is going through..
She's a beautiful girl and should NOT feel bad about her size! I am hoping there may be some women out there that went through the same thing at that age.. taller/bigger than everyone else.
Maybe some experiences that taught you to be happy with your size or how you got through the hard days.

she doesn't know I am posting this and is not on mfp..I just know that this would be the perfect place for support! :smile: I will show her If I get some good replies.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!:happy: