Can you lose water retention by exercise

I gained water weight and can you lose water retention by exercise. I drank a bottle of water and it just add some pounds.


  • nlcs_nickyv32
    Yes you can, but don't freak out over water weight. It fluctuates day to day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I gained water weight and can you lose water retention by exercise. I drank a bottle of water and it just add some pounds.

    You do understand that anything you consume is going to make your weight fluctuate right? Like if you eat 4 ounces of food, you're going to weigh more right? Because everything you consume has mass?

    The water you drank has nothing to do with water weight...when people talk about water weight they are talking about fluid retention which can be caused by any number of factors...and actually, exercise can cause you to retain fluids as well.'s water...who has nothing to do with fat mass.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Wait, you drank some water then weighed yourself? That's not water weight, that's just water in your stomach. You'll pee it out soon enough. Same thing would happen if you ate food or put on clothes and then weighed yourself. The scale doesn't know the difference between your body and the food/water in it or clothes on it.

    With the questions OP has been asking lately - I have to question age or possible troll.