Hello (again) :)

Somewhere between my first attempt to get involved with this site, and now, I forgot I had ever been here, and so here I am again trying again and (again) vowing this time will be different. It sort of has to be now, so I am really needing support and kindness. I am 50 years old, but work with horses so I am active. I do have a great deal of physical issues, and those keep me from being as 'gung ho' physically as I"d like to be. I do my best, though, and I"m hoping with everyone's help and the new friends I will make here, that this time I can get the scale going in the other direction.

My major hurdles I have to work around are: 1. Porphyria. I have a rare disorder that means I can't go in the sun. I'm not making this up, it sucks, it is the worst. I have to stay indoors as much as possible. In the Summer, the drapes are drawn during daylight hours. Thank the Gods for indoor riding arenas, or I would have no 'outside of the house' life at all.

2. Asthma.

3. Arthritis

4. Bad back

Is there any hope for me or should I just crawl up in a ball? lol Any advice on how I can lose weight would be greatly helpful. I wish you all success on your personal paths! Health for all. <3


  • the_kat42
    Does crawling up in a ball burn any calories? We could turn it into a sport. :-)

    I don't have porphyria, arthritis, or a bad back, but I do have chronic achilles tendonitis, which means no bouncing or jumping (aerobics, calisthenics, and jogging are out), so that limits my exercise options considerably. I had severe asthma as a child, so I sure can emphasize with that. Oh, and I'm allergic to horses, so that's out, too... ;-)

    I've been doing a lot of biking, that seems to help - but my orthopedist isn't really happy about that either. If it was up to him, the only exercise I should do is swimming. Good luck with that while working full time and managing a family, right?

    I've been reasonably successful with my weight loss this time around, but I seem to have hit a motivational and metabolism plateau - maybe we can motivate each other. :-)
  • redromad275
    redromad275 Posts: 884 Member
    Glad you have come back. My first suggestion would be to discuss with your doctor ways that you can exercise so as not to aggrevate your conditions. Walking might be a good start. Start to log your food intake and stay active. Just awareness of your caloric intake can help to start the weight loss but you have to be serious.