Need some advice and also some answers to an embarrassing ?



  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I weigh myself daily, it gives me a better idea of how natural fluctuations operate so I don't fall into the trap of weighing myself one week at the lowest water retention then weighing myself next week at a high water retention and think that I haven't lost any weight.

    If you still can't make peace with it, just give it to a relative and visit 2-3 times a month to weigh yourself.

    I actually read an article about it a few days ago which made me smile (because that was my relationship with the scale a few years ago)
  • EleMeleUkulele
    EleMeleUkulele Posts: 59 Member
    I'm one of those people who weigh themselves daily (or two, three times a day, actually). For me, this helps me stay in check, otherwise I might let myself go and not see this until the next weigh-in. That, and I'm desperate to see results real quick (don't be like me, lol).

    Daily weigh-ins help me and many people, so there's nothing wrong with it per se. But, if it's making you uncomfortable, most of the advices above should help (I particularly liked the one where you give the scale to someone who lives not far away, so that you have to visit them when you want to weigh yourself).

    Good luck with everything!
  • atorrey3
    atorrey3 Posts: 3 Member
    an alternate to weighing in all the time, is to also take a tape measure one a week (Different than your weigh in day) and see how you've changed on your hips, waist, and anywhere else that you wish to look for changes in. It would give you an additional way of tracking changes, and isn't as harsh for the psyche. :)
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    If you find it hard to stay away from the scale,you could use it to your advantage by logging every gain and loss till you get a good view of how your body fluctuates. That way in the future you can judge when you may stall or gain and not get disheartened.

    Using a tape measure, photos and how your clothes feel can be better motivators when the scale isn't making you happy too.

    ETA: if you can, replace the laxatives with plenty of fibre and fat in your diet (it's pretty bad for you to use these regularly).
  • ervlenzy
    According to some research, weighing ones self daily is correlated with weight loss. I lost a hundred pounds in 2012 and weighted myself daily. I logged it in a spreadsheet. It really motivated me to see that spreadsheet, still does. One thing daily weigh-ins do it let you see the ups and downs of how your body deals with weight. Since it is impossible to lose weight every day, you will learn that it is just a number. What counts is the overall trend.

    For those with a tendency to be compulsive, stepping on the scale every day may be an issue. It really comes down to a personal decision. For me measuring my weight every day was a tremendous help.
  • mealprepping_fit4life
    Have you tried Activa Yogurt it really works, and if you have a juicer there are cleanse recipes that help you go naturally and increase your veggie and fruite intake. Good luck
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    DAY 2 of my diet and I've already went against the decision I made to NOT weigh myself daily.
    I look forward to weighing every morning. There's always hope that I've dropped some weight.
    But like others, I only do it first thing in the morning, after using the toilet, naked.
    Write it on the calendar.
    That way when I feel stuck I can look back a month & see how I've improved.
    If it bothers you, go for once a week. Put the scale someplace inconvenient (rafters of the garage?).
    causes me to get constipated quite frequently ... I'm prettylucky if I go twice a week, and even then only with help from enemas (told you it was embarrassing) and otc senna laxatives (prunelax).
    The more you use things like that, the more your body will depend on them.
    As others have said, increase your water, fiber, and exercise. More fruits & veggies, whole grains, beans, lentils.

    If you're going to use a laxative, use a bulk-forming one (like metamucil), not one that affects the motility of your intestines (senna).
  • tamelakaye79
    tamelakaye79 Posts: 70 Member
    Why not weigh yourself everyday and plot it on a chart? Daily you will go either up or down but the trend line should be sloping downward overall. Keep your eyes pointed toward the horizon rather than on the day. It's about what we do *most* of the time, not what we do only now and then. Make change gradual and as painless as possible. Otherwise, you will only tolerate so much discomfort before you give up on it all.

    As for your other concern, I have a similar reaction to my medication. Here's what really works:
    1. Drink more fluids. Preferably water. Quite a bit more fluids than you currently consume. It helps a lot.
    2. Exercise gets you moving in more than one way, if you know what I mean. Exercise daily. If you don't enjoy vigorous exercise, simply take a walk in some surroundings you enjoy (be it in nature or at the mall).
    3. I take a magnesium supplement. Be careful not to take too much as it works very well. I don't take it with calcium--it's recommended to take it with calcium to prevent the "side effect"--because the side effect is what I'm hoping for. I've experimented with taking less or taking more and 750 mg nightly seems to be the right dose for me to keep me regular. Might want to start with 250 or 500 mg. (If you have any health issues, ask a doctor before taking a magnesium supplement to be certain it won't interact with any of your current medications.)

    ^^ This

    The magnesium supplement I haven fallen in love with is Natural Calm- you can pick it up at almost any health food store or Amazon. I have the lemon raspberry and it is pretty yum. You scoop a little (start with 1/2 dose) and add pour hot water to drink like a hot tea at night before bed. It is calming which helps me go to sleep and stay asleep- aids digestion (too much if you are not careful). One other amazing bonus- it helped decrease my menstrual cramps by about 75% a total win win!! I have tried MANY things to help with digestion and I am skeptical about any product- but this is something that really works and I will use long term.
  • mom2_4gr8kids
    I weigh myself everyday, so I'm no help there.

    When I stopped eating all the junk food I used to eat, I had the same issues as you are having. I have found that an apple every day has kept me "going". If I start getting backed up, a salad usually takes care of the problem. My husband says that coffee has a laxative effect for him - I don't know, I can't drink the stuff.

    I have read that whole fruits/veggies are better than juices, because juice doesn't have the fiber that fruit/veggies have.

    Also, keep in mind, that when you eat less, you poop less. It took me awhile to get used to that!
  • cowgalsarah29
    cowgalsarah29 Posts: 15 Member
    Firstly it is great to read that you understand that weighing yourself everyday can sabotage your big efforts....
    I weigh in at the same time once a week.. usually in the morning after I have gone to the toilet. I would advise the same.. find a system that works for you and keep the scales where it takes effort to get them (for example at the back of your closet.. or even your car boot). if you live with anyone even get them to hide the scales..
    Some people can weigh themselves everyday and are happy doing this, but just think of how inaccurate it could be for you. for example if you have not been to the toilet there could be 200g sitting there.. and the scales could tell you that you had gained 200g where it's just umm stuff waiting to come out. the amount of water you drunk could effect your weight on a daily basis.
    If you can cope with watching the scales go up and down most days I would say go ahead and weigh everyday.. but for an overall look at your weight I would personally say once or twice a week :)

    Hope this helped :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You can weigh daily if you want. In fact there are a lot of good reasons to. What you can't/shouldn't do is pay any attention whatsoever to day to day changes in weight. Take 7 days worth of daily weights and average them. Then after a month goes by you can compare your averages and see a much more telling indication of your actual progress. A million things effect day to day weights, week to week is less volatile, month to month is less still. The more data points you enter (daily weights) the more accurate your averages will be. The only way this works though is if you pay no attention to the daily changes. I don't know how to make that happen for you other then to assure you that those day to day changes are 100% absolutely meaningless.


    I weigh daily- I like the consistency of numbers and averages. Every time you weigh- it gives you another data point. My self esteem and what i think of myself and my progress is 100% NOT tied to that scale.

    But as an engineer- knowing trend lines require more data points to be accurate- I weigh almost daily.

    Either make peace with that- OR put your scale somewhere- have your SO hide it. get used to NOT getting on the scale. Mine's just a spring. It's a spring loaded plate- with numbers on it- it sits in my kitchen- I see it every day- every time I open the fridge- totally desensitized to it.

    But if that doesn't work for you- put it away. away away. like somewhere you CANNOT see it.
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    If you truly can't resist the scale and you think it is harmful to your goals pick the thing up and give it to a neighbor or a friend. Then schedule to get it back once a week or once a month. Out of site and is out of mind.

    Good luck with your progress my friend.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Put the scale in the attic or the trunk of your car or on a high closet shelf you need a chair to reach.

    I'm not sure constipation interferes with weight loss. Eventually, waste leaves the body. If you empty your bowel daily or twice a week, it all goes. And fat loss is fat loss and occurs independently of that. Though I agree that it's not fun to live on laxatives or go rarely. But if you're stuck with that for now, don't let it become an excuse to not diet.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    Get rid of the scale--only weight when you go to the doctor's office if you have to or where you have to pay to weight yourself. Eat foods that help keep you regular--figure out which ones are right for you. If I eat plenty of nutrient dense veggies--especially green leafy vegetables--I stay regular and not one one end of the spectrum or the other. No iceberg lettuce!
  • damnedtiredofbeingFAT
    Put the scale in the attic or the trunk of your car or on a high closet shelf you need a chair to reach.

    I'm not sure constipation interferes with weight loss. Eventually, waste leaves the body. If you empty your bowel daily or twice a week, it all goes. And fat loss is fat loss and occurs independently of that. Though I agree that it's not fun to live on laxatives or go rarely. But if you're stuck with that for now, don't let it become an excuse to not diet.

    Actually, as mentioned in my post, my constipation issue was with me before I started my diet (diet just started on Monday). I'm sure as I get my diet underway in a few days, this issue will get better with all the healthy fiber and water I'm consuming. :) I'm just pretty bound up from a prescription medicine as well as the junk food and zero water from before my diet. I always depended on senna laxatives to take care of the problem, but was told recently to stop using senna because it can make problems for me if used too frequently as it is a stimulant laxative.

    You guys have given me some great advice and it is so much appreciated! I can't weigh everyday, so I LOVE the punishment idea for every time I step on the scale in between weighing times. I have a dry-erase board on the wall in front of my scales, and I'm going to put a strike on the board each time I am overcome with the urge to step up on the scale. Due to many health issues, the only exercise I can currently do is walking, so each strike will add another lap for that day! I never would have thought of that, so thanks bunches for the advice.

    Upon everyone's advice, I went to the health food store and purchased some magnesium. They recommended I started with 400mg daily and increase to 800 if I have to. I also picked up some enteric-coated jarro-dophillus because the the specialist at the store told me that my current probiotics were not helping with the constipation because it wasn't making it to my colon. They also said that after awhile on the enteric-coated probiotics, I wouldn't need the magnesium. I sure hope so.

    I'm so glad I happened upon this forum. Having the forum, the food diary (so helpful) and the calorie index is really making a difference in my motivation.

    Thanks again to everyone for the awesome suggestions! I look forward to getting to know fellow dieters.