Need help weight training with bad elbow

Earlier in the year I was able to shed a lot of fat by weight training and cardio.
Recently I injured my elbow (not while working out) and strained my elbow ligament. Tendinitis is the official diagnosis.
I've put a lot of the fat I lost back on because for some reason when weight training I am disciplined with my workouts and diet, but without it I return to my old ways.
What are some ways I can build lean muscle mass with this elbow injury?


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    first and foremost go see a sports therapist and get their take on it as well as to get some rehab going

    i'm also exercising with a shoulder injury and in addition to doing my rehab exercises, i make sure to pick and chose my battles when it comes to working out. i only bench once a week, i only do push ups once a week the rest of the time my shoulder work is dedicated to rehab .

    if you are cleared by your medical professional then they might also show you how to tape the location to help provide some stability while you heal
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    You may consider a personal trainer to teach you how to work around your injury.