Is this considered a binge?

Okay.. So yesterday I kinda binged so today I tried to make up for it by not eating... I read about how bad it was so around a half an hour ago I ate this; a cup of crunchy taco hamburger helper, eight duplex creme cookies, three chips ahoy cookies, and a moo tube. (I know none of this is healthy, but I wanted it) and that equaled out to about 1000 calories.. Was this a binge? I was just kind of freaked out that I wasn't eating enough so I ate that. I was able to stop myself.. Was this a binge?


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    If you were in control of yourself while you ate it, then personally I wouldn't consider it a binge. But it's worth taking a look at your overall relationship with food anyway if this is becoming a pattern.
  • niyohn
    niyohn Posts: 9
    In my experience it is ok to binge every once in a while, as long as you know how much it sets you back and you know what the tradeoffs are. I always think step by step change in habits make more sense than big changes...
  • elenanxs
    elenanxs Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! :-)
    I wouldn't actually say that was a binge because you said you were able to control yourself and most importantly, you STOPPED. I know what happens to me personally when I binge, my brain goes crazy and all I can think about is food, I eat until it's even hard for me to breathe and I eat even foods that I don't like just because all I think is "eat eat eat". I feel like I am no longer in control over myself, my actions, my thoughts, my body. It's terrible. I haven't binged that bad for quite a while now, I still have some small binges but they cannot compare to those described by me, they were awful and I hope I'll never experience something like that.

    Okay, I kinda got overbroad, so my answer for you is no, that wasn't a binge ;-) keep calm and go back to your healthy habits
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    A true binge is psychological and has little to nothing to do with the AMOUNT of food you consumed.

    Over eating one day does not a binge make.... don't "not eat" today- go about your daily life- one day doesn't derail weeks of hard work.

    Just get back on track- do a little extra cardio if you must- and keep the WEEKLY average down at a deficit- you'll be find.