Converting steps to miles or minutes

I have been wearing my pedometer on my 2.6 mile walk daily. It typically ends up being about 11,300 steps.
I ALWaYS forget to keep track of how long it takes, but since it is 1.3 miles tso the beach, then i slow down, sit for a few minutes, maybe collect shells and then walk the remaining 1.3 miles home.

But...all I can do my MFP is add the total number of minutes walked.
Does anyone have a way to convert 11,300 steps to minutes?

I typically just estimate the time it tskes, but I would like a more concrete way to track.



  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Since you know it's 2.6 miles, why not log it as a 2.5mph walk for 60 minutes? The most relevant part for calories is the distance, especially if you sit down for part.