Hi there!

My name is Alice. I'm not really new to fitness pal, but this is my first time using the message board. I'm 24 year old and I started my weight loss earlier this year. My struggle with weight started after I had my first kid. I gained a horrific 70 pounds during that pregnancy. Afterward, between a demanding job and family duties, I didn't have the energy to devote to losing weight. I made several attempts but ended up giving up. After I had my son at the end of October last year, I knew I was done with the weight. I hated looking in the mirror and seeing this fat person that I hated. While making the mental changes, I've also been making physical changes. I was at 235 at the beginning of the year and I am now 175 or less (I don't weigh myself often/ once a month or less, the scale doesn't motivate me). I have lost a total of 60 pounds and I have 40 left to go till I reach my goal. I thought that once I reached my half way point that it would be easier to motivate myself, but I'm finding out that I was wrong. I have kept my weight loss a secret from everyone but my family, so my support system has been really small. Now I'm looking for more help from people who are doing the exact same thing as me.