Looking for a good book to read



  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    Oh yeah -- this one came out in 2004 -- Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells.

    I also like any book from Adriana Trigiani.
  • keysr
    keysr Posts: 19
    I am a huge fan of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. It was so amazing and I recommend it to everyone.
    Into The Wild is also very good. I loved the way it was written.

    I also really like books like Freakanomics, Outliers, Blink, The Tipping Point. They are very interesting and really make you think. I am reading Atlas Shrugged right now and I think it is a great book if you are interested in politics and economics (and also have some time, its over 1,000 pages)

    The next book on my list is 127 Hours (which was just made into a movie) It is a true story of a young man from Colorado that was pinned by a boulder while rock climbing and he had to amputate his own arm to survive. Not for the squeamish. My friend just read it and said it was so inspiring. Another friend had just saw the movie and said it was very well done.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    bump! WOW Lots of suggestions here!
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    Oh man, I am a book fiend. I have a bunch I could recommend but the first book that comes to mind...

    The Help by Kathryn Stockett

    I second The Help--it is a wonderful book!

    If you are looking for a lighter read, The Starter Wife was pretty funny.

    If you don't mind a longer book, Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet (sp?) is pretty amazing.

    Other books I've read that I really enjoyed:
    "Angry Housewives Eating Bon-Bons," by Lorna Landvik
    "Pilot's Wife," by Anita Shreve
    "The Count of Monte Cristo," by Alexander Dumas
    "The Devil in the White City," by Erik Larson
    "Three Cups of Tea," by Greg Mortenson
    "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle," by David Wroblewski
  • Steph_Anie
    Steph_Anie Posts: 82 Member
    I read a lot on matern. leave-
    The Help (couldn't put it down!)
    Life on Hold
    Her Daughters Dream
    Her Mother's Hope
    Drowing Ruth
    A scattered Life
    I am reading the Anne of Green Gables series right now--- all 8 books on kindle for like 98 cents
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    Best books I have read over the last few years that come to mind RIGHT NOW....

    Time Travelers Wife (WAY better than the stupid movie)

    The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (funny name - fabulous can't put down book)

    Both are fabulous books!

    I read Guernsey as well & it was fantastic!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Shantaram - Gregory David Roberts I think. It's long but a good read. Semi-autobiographical.

    Freakonomics - Steven Levitt. An interesting read.

    An Audiobook I downloaded ages ago was the count of monte cristo which was a great time pass on my commute to work.

    Others have recommended books to me but I haven't got around to reading yet are - notes on a scandal, the believers, the namesake. Will get to these eventually.
  • apeman
    apeman Posts: 82
    The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

  • last25
    last25 Posts: 83
    Oooh. I'm just about to start Eat, Pray, Love so I don't know what it's like yet to be able to compare to other books you might like. But I will recommend gods in Alabama - Joshilyn Jackson. It was a fantastic read. I also second the My Sister's Keeper recommendation. Fingersmith - Sarah Waters is a HUGE novel but very good if you don't mind 400+ pages. I love to read so I have a huge list of to reads. Let me know if you want more...
  • crlujan
    Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. Funniest book I've ever read.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member

    If you don't mind a longer book, Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet (sp?) is pretty amazing.

    I'm reading that one right now actually...

    "The Count of Monte Cristo," by Alexander Dumas
    "Three Cups of Tea," by Greg Mortenson

    Read these two, they're both REALLY GOOD
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Playboy...but just for the articles. joke.gif

    I am also just started The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest. Great trilogy.
    Another set I just finished was The Dark Materials. Very good.
    Hitchhiker's Guide is always a great fall back. I could read those over and over again.
  • Giddeaon
    I'm a huge book nut. I take a reading challenge each year. Thus far, in 2010, I've read 72 books for a grand total of about 29,000 pages of the written word. I'm always looking for suggestions on good books to pick up.

    Without a doubt, the best place to get suggestions on books is to check out goodreads.com. It is an amazing social networking site for avid readers. It makes recommendations based on your book lists, and there are hundreds of groups to join that can also make suggestions. If you really want to fine-tune your suggestions, it's the best site I've found (also tried librarything, shelfari, and a few others).

    Oh - and a lot of authors post on goodreads about their progress writing their books, so you can easily keep track of when your favorite authors are releasing new books.

    Hope that helps!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Have you ever read Ishmael? I LOVED that book!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    "A Million Little Pieces" can't remember the author. It was an Oprah book a few years ago. It's kind of harsh though. Its about a guy who was a drug addict and his life in rehab. I really enjoyed it though. It's semi-autobiographical. The author did go through most of what he wrote, but his true life story ends a little differently.

    David Frey! That book is GUT WRENCHING at times but a great read!

    I'm personally obsessed with memoirs and autobiographies so:

    Running with Scissors-Augusten Borroughs (A million times better than the movie)
    The Liars Club-Mary Karr
    Girl, Interrupted- Susana Kaysen (very different from the movie)
    How to make love like a porn star-Jenna Jameson (surprisingly well written considering)

    Anything by Wally Lamb or Tom Robbinson!

    Happy Reading!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Top Three:
    -JD Salinger: Franny and Zooey
    -Haruki Murakami: A Wild Sheep Chase (Wind-up Bird is a close 2nd.)
    -Zadie Smith: White Teeth

    Kind of about running and how it relates to culture at large (not just about running culture, per se):
    Born to Run by Christopher MacDougall
  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm more into books with murder/kidnappings/etc. I won't list book titles, because there are MANY that I enjoy and have read over and over again. That being said, a few of my favorite authors are: Mary Higgins Clark, Tami Hoag, Alex Kava, and Iris Johansen.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Ok - so I checked out A Million Little Pieces.
    I had to get on the wait list for The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo and The Help.
    I'm excited to start my book, and now I have a list of books to read over Christmas/New Years while I'm laid up from surgery!
    Thanks again!
    Steph :flowerforyou:
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,417 Member
    There are some great books on here that I have read and several I would like to! I know you said no series but... I was told about a series a few years ago and it is so good. After I read the first book, I discovered it is actually considered juvenile fiction! It's called The Hunger Games and it's being suggested as the next series of young adult books to follow in Harry Potter's footsteps (also amazing).

    By the way, I'm a 47 year old mother of teen boys and also love Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Tami Hoag, David Baldacci, Jodi Picoult and Ken Follett (I don't just read young adult!). Really want to read the Zombie book!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Anything by:

    Wally Lamb, Anne Tyler, Augusten Burroughs, or Tom Perotta (especially Little Children). I also love Christopher Moore for a good laugh but some people are put off by his content. Happy reading!