Weight Loss Tricks That You Need to Stay Away From

Hi there! I'm just starting to lose weight (My target is to lose around 60 lbs within 6 months). I would like to help other people here by encouraging everyone to share their inputs on this thread. Here's my share:

PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM: Diet pills (Chinese/Bangkok) Pills, etc.
A lot of people swear by the effectiveness of these pills, and yes, maybe they actually work. However, these are also damaging your kidneys, liver and other vital organs in the process. Some of these can make you feel too thirsty, lightheaded and have difficulty of breathing. They can also increase your blood pressure which may lead to heart attack or stroke. Those who get past these may suffer from a kidney disease later on. As much as I desperately want to lose weight, I avoided taking these because I know that my health will suffer later on.

We should have the right motivation in losing weight, and that is ultimately to be healthy. What good will our sexy bodies be if we will eventually die or suffer from a kidney disease. Please share your stories/insights so we can lose weight in a healthy way. Good day to all! Please add me as a friend if you need a fitness buddy :)