Dinner recipe Using Lebanese bread [Vegetarian]

1992Leigh1992 Posts: 100 Member
Has anyone tried making Lebanese soup before? Or pizza with Lebanese bread as a base?

Wholemeal Lebanese bread was on sale when I went grocery shopping, so I bought a packet, some dry letnils and a bunch of different types of beans hoping to find some kind of vegetarian soup/stew/warm dish that goes well with the bread.
It is fairly high in protein, even though it is a 'carby' thing so it seemed like a good starting point for a meal that fits into my macros.

I also want to try making different types of foods.

When I cook new recipes, I tend to assume that the things with the longest list of ingredients taste best. But recently I've discovered I make tastier food when I keep things simple.

This looks nice and super easy- Do you think it would work if I swap the flour for cornflour?

If anyone has any other good low-fat, main-meal dishes that would go well with this bread, please post.

I am finding some nice salads and dips when I google 'vegetarian Lebanese bread', which might be nice as a side.

I also have lots of chickpeas but don't have a food processor or blender so I can't make falafel.


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yes you could easily use cornflour instead but be sure to disolve it in a tiny bit of water first then add to the finished soup during it's last couple of minute to cook out the floury taste.

    Think I'll make this for lunches during the work week. Sounds like something I'd like and nice and healthy.
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    Trader Joe's sells some really good wraps made with that type of bread. One has spicy lentils and the other has roasted eggplant. They both have shredded green cabbage and come with a spicy tahini sauce. I love them.