WTF scale

So I THINK i see results after working out and eating clean for 6 weeks. My clothes are fitting, and when I look in the mirror, I THINK i am slimmer. But when I step on the scale, I've barely lost a measly 5 pounds. I want to lose two pounds a week, not 1. I'm already eating just 1200 calories...lifting weights, and doing 30 minute cardio 5 days a week. Am I hitting a plateau already? dang...


  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    I've only lost ten pounds so far, but people keep telling me I look like I've lost a lot, and my jeans are fitting looser. I've also been lifting weights. You're firming and toning, and remember muscle weighs more than fat. Don't starve yourself.
  • melanconme
    melanconme Posts: 4 Member
    Are you measuring? I think you might be developing muscle. A pound of fat vs a pound of muscle, there is no contest which is better. Measuring will give you a better idea if you are plateau-ing or not. Don't give up!
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    What's wrong with a pound a week? Heck my last 10 pounds to goal weight went slower than a snail. IOW I was happy to see 1/2 to even a 1/4 loss a week.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    First, you are not likely going to lose 2lb a week, you are not that overweight (according to your ticker). You are likely making yourself miserable by eating so little, but that's your choice.

    Second, the scale lies for many reasons. Water retention occurs during TOM, to help repair muscle during weight training, and after a high sodium day.

    Third, a plateau is a complete stand still for 6-8 weeks, not a 1lb loss each week.

    Read through this thread, adopt what makes sense for you. It will make this whole thing a lot less stressful for you:
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    First, you are not likely going to lose 2lb a week, you are not that overweight (according to your ticker). You are likely making yourself miserable by eating so little, but that's your choice.

    Second, the scale lies for many reasons. Water retention occurs during TOM, to help repair muscle during weight training, and after a high sodium day.

    Third, a plateau is a complete stand still for 6-8 weeks, not a 1lb loss each week.

    Read through this thread, adopt what makes sense for you. It will make this whole thing a lot less stressful for you:

  • KyleBonsorPT
    Hi There Motal003,

    The lack of weight lost could be from a variety of factors, mainly changes in body composition i.e muscle growth through exercise balanced out by fat loss. This could be why you havent lost as much as you expect.

    My advice would be:

    1. Measure more than just the weighing scales; measure you body fat %, measure your waist, hips, thighs and upper arms
    This will give you a far greater picture of the progress to shaping your body that just simple stepping on the scales.

    2. Measure you fitness goals; are you lifting heavier, running further, running faster, running longer? TRACK EVERYTHING

    3. Keep going! realise that there are far more ways of measuring your success that just your mass.
    This isn't a one hill climb, this is an expedition. Look at every mountain and stride towards your goal!

    As you believe you're plateauing in one thing,you may be excelling in another!

    Let me know how it goes!

    Kyle Bonsor PT BSc
    Personal Trainer & Motivational Speaker
  • ALittleHazey
    If you were fairly sedentary before starting the lifting and cardio you could very well still be retaining water for muscle repair.

    I was losing 2 1/2-3lbs a week consistently for about a month with just lifting, i then added 5 intense(for me) cardio sessions a week.
    At the end of my first week of cardio i GAINED 4 lbs with an identical diet and lifting schedule, at the end of week 2 i was back where i started, discouraged I dropped the cardio, then the following week I was down 7 lbs. I restarted cardio 3 days a week and im losing steadily again.

    Exercise your body isn't used to will melt fat, but for beginners its also amazing at hiding the lost weight with water until your muscles adjust.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
  • tlicttbh
    tlicttbh Posts: 89
    I think measurements and being toned are more important than what the scale reads. I had a very bad case of pneumonia and was bedridden for a month. Three months later, I still was weak. During that time, I lost 7 pounds without trying. But guess what...all my measurements stayed the same and I got flabby. My muscle had turned to flab. I was much fitter when I was 7 pounds heavier and in good shape.
  • rausharvey
    rausharvey Posts: 59 Member
    So I THINK i see results after working out and eating clean for 6 weeks. My clothes are fitting, and when I look in the mirror, I THINK i am slimmer. But when I step on the scale, I've barely lost a measly 5 pounds. I want to lose two pounds a week, not 1. I'm already eating just 1200 calories...lifting weights, and doing 30 minute cardio 5 days a week. Am I hitting a plateau already? dang...

    My advice is your figure out your BMR. If your body is getting too little nutrition, it's going to hold on what it has. 1200 is so little and in my personal opinion, not healthy. When I upped my intake to 1800, the pounds started to fall off.