Comments from friends and family



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The other day while cooking I made a comment to my boyfriend that I would like to buy a food scale, so I know how much meat I am eating. I am good at measuring out my liquid foods and even counting my servings for crackers/snacks, but have no way of knowing how many oz of meat I am consuming except for eyeballing it (which I do a decent job at based on the weight given on the meat packages, but not perfect).

    Here was my boyfriend's response:

    "WHY? You already count calories, work out 6 days a week, you even count out 16 wheat thins! You are not fat, you are not even the slightest bit overweight, I think that is a little too extreme."

    Now he is very supportive of my workouts and healthy eating, yet he is 6 feet tall and 145 lbs... without even trying. He has never had to worry about what he eats and may never have to. He sees all that I am doing now and the idea of me going further with my weight loss/health efforts to him is insane and too extreme.

    Any advice on how to help him see that although he is lucky and does not need to worry about things like that, I DO!?

    Punch him in his ear hole.

    Have him talk to my husband...he weighed out 60grams of cheese and 40 grams of avocado for me today...hehe.

    My immediate family (husband and son) are pretty son can get tired of hearing about calories but I get that.

    My mom is very proud of me and tells me, my dad is too but doesn't say much. My Aunt is always commenting as is her husband on how good I look...MIL tells me I don't need to lose weight and never did...she is obese tho and has a skewed sense of what is normal... My brothers don't say much except one...he pokes fun at my scale. Now sisters on the other hand...yah not so much.

    I had one tell me I was still bigger than I thought I was...she also let me know I would look better at 135lbs...I laughed...and she commented to a group that we were all out of shape when someone said they were...I said yah no I am not out of shape...

    Friends mostly supportive except to tell me I have no hips anymore, or that my shoulders are to "bulky and muscular" for spagetti strap shirts....

    For me...I just couldn't give a flying *kitten* actually (excuse the language) if those with negative comments say them...they can take a long walk off a short pier...I am happy, healthy, working out and loving life...not my fault they aren't.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The other day while cooking I made a comment to my boyfriend that I would like to buy a food scale, so I know how much meat I am eating. I am good at measuring out my liquid foods and even counting my servings for crackers/snacks, but have no way of knowing how many oz of meat I am consuming except for eyeballing it (which I do a decent job at based on the weight given on the meat packages, but not perfect).

    Here was my boyfriend's response:

    "WHY? You already count calories, work out 6 days a week, you even count out 16 wheat thins! You are not fat, you are not even the slightest bit overweight, I think that is a little too extreme."

    Now he is very supportive of my workouts and healthy eating, yet he is 6 feet tall and 145 lbs... without even trying. He has never had to worry about what he eats and may never have to. He sees all that I am doing now and the idea of me going further with my weight loss/health efforts to him is insane and too extreme.

    Any advice on how to help him see that although he is lucky and does not need to worry about things like that, I DO!?

    Punch him in his ear hole.

    Hahaha headofphat, I love him, but sometimes I want to! It frustrates me how easy it is for him to stay thin. He decides one day he wants to pay attention to portions and watch what he eats, and he loses 6 lbs in a week. I have to constantly remind him that if I ate like him or did not try as hard as I do, I would be huge. Unfair luck of genetics!

    I would just go buy it and explain to him that in order to reach your goal you need extra tools and this is one of them. Would he say the same thing about a gym membership? veggies? a HRM? probably not.

    and if/when you do buy it...don't just use it for meat and use oz use grams and weigh solids even prepacked will be surprised.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    There was a time much earlier on when I was very concerned about my neck looking very turkey-like and causing me to appear much older than my age.

    That made me laugh. I've actually started to put lotion on my neck for the first time. It does look a bit scrawny without the layers of fat plumping it out.

    It's weird...although I would rather be 37 and average weight and have everyone know I am 37, than be a morbidly obese 32 yr old everyone thinks is a 24 yr old recent college graduate.

    Totally agree. It's actually been an opportunity to use up all those zillions of samples of creams so heavy they make my face break out.. My closet-clearing has extended to the bathroom cabinet as well.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member

    For me...I just couldn't give a flying *kitten* actually (excuse the language) if those with negative comments say them...they can take a long walk off a short pier...I am happy, healthy, working out and loving life...not my fault they aren't.

    Yeah, this is me too. The lucky ones get a bemused smile indicating I'm amused that anyone would actually care enough to comment, and the rest just get a blank look like "hey!? what? I've lost weight?? No!!"

    One or two have even had "I've lost weight!? Why didn't anyone tell me?!"
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    The other day while cooking I made a comment to my boyfriend that I would like to buy a food scale, so I know how much meat I am eating. I am good at measuring out my liquid foods and even counting my servings for crackers/snacks, but have no way of knowing how many oz of meat I am consuming except for eyeballing it (which I do a decent job at based on the weight given on the meat packages, but not perfect).

    Here was my boyfriend's response:

    "WHY? You already count calories, work out 6 days a week, you even count out 16 wheat thins! You are not fat, you are not even the slightest bit overweight, I think that is a little too extreme."

    Now he is very supportive of my workouts and healthy eating, yet he is 6 feet tall and 145 lbs... without even trying. He has never had to worry about what he eats and may never have to. He sees all that I am doing now and the idea of me going further with my weight loss/health efforts to him is insane and too extreme.

    Any advice on how to help him see that although he is lucky and does not need to worry about things like that, I DO!?

    Punch him in his ear hole.

    Hahaha headofphat, I love him, but sometimes I want to! It frustrates me how easy it is for him to stay thin. He decides one day he wants to pay attention to portions and watch what he eats, and he loses 6 lbs in a week. I have to constantly remind him that if I ate like him or did not try as hard as I do, I would be huge. Unfair luck of genetics!

    I would just go buy it and explain to him that in order to reach your goal you need extra tools and this is one of them. Would he say the same thing about a gym membership? veggies? a HRM? probably not.

    and if/when you do buy it...don't just use it for meat and use oz use grams and weigh solids even prepacked will be surprised.

    Thank you for the advice.. I think I will do that! I am sure he won't complain when I do reach my goal and I am sexy as hell. He just has a hard time understanding since he doesn't need to work as hard as I do to stay fit.
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    I was at a small birthday party and all the ladies were generous, generous plus sized (that's the nicest way I can put it). they all wagon-trained around me and told me to stop working out so much and dieting because I was sooo skinny (which I am not at 26% body fat). All the while I kept thinking- you guys are all soooo FAT.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I haven't gotten any negative feedback from anyone. Mostly no one comments at all. This past weekend I went to see my daughter and grandchildren. It has probably been a month or so since I'd last seen them and so far she has commented on how great I looked at least 3 separate times: once while I was there and twice on the phone since. I didn't think there was that much of a difference since I'd last seen her but...
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    "Everytime we pass her, she's not doing anything."

    Dads, bless 'em. It's when they come out with comments like this that leave you confused whether you should cry or cry with laughter (the whole snorting thing) that you realize how boring life would be without them. And the thing about how they think no one can hear their comments is priceless. My FIL used to do it all the time.

    Yup. I am such a Daddy's girl too. We bond over zombie apocalypses and stuff.

    I think when we're at the gym tonight I'm going to tell him I'm training for a zombie run.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    My family and friends have all been supportive for the most part. My Mom did tell my sister in law that she thought I was obsessed with working out and weight loss, but she never said it to me. Probably because my sister in law told her she shouldn't since they had been on me to lose weight for a long time, she shouldn't discourage me now. My dad never really says much, but some of his little digs do bother me. My brother and I were discussing bikes because we both wanted to do a triathlon, at this point I had been working out regularly for 2 1/2 years. My dad looked at me and said "Why would you buy a bike, you will ride it once and then it will just sit there" You would think after working out all the time and losing 100+ pounds he would have a little faith in me....well, I am doing my 4th triathlon in a couple of weeks, and yes, I have been on the bike more than once.
  • shangrilamama
    shangrilamama Posts: 89 Member
    My husband is my biggest cheerleader. He's been with me and loved me through all sizes. When the scale has me frustrated he reminds me to get the tape measure out. He even tolerates my "I can wear these shorts again" dances. Love that man!

    What bothered me recently was my best friend. She said absolutely nothing. Zero. Zilch. We live eight hours apart so we only see each other about every other month. Her husband told me how great I look and that they were both stunned at how much I had changed. He also told my husband how terrified he is about how unhealthy my friend is. She's not ready to do anything about it so I don't talk about any of my journey. She's very negative and always has an excuse.

    Little does she know that her silence has fueled my workouts recently! Petty I know but sometimes petty works.