Motivation to RUN

I literally have NO motivation to run or jog or go for a walk. I do a lot of bodyweight/strength training exercises but I feel like I need to do some cardio and go running. I just can't force myself to do it... Anyone have any tips on how to get out of this "funk"? I used to go running, but stopped after a while. I feel BAD for not going for a jog or whatever.


  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you don't like cardio, don't do cardio.
  • Swimming is GREAT cardio. Even if it's just getting in the pool and treading water. Or just run or not do any cardio. I hate running but recently got in the "I just want to run" mode.
  • Hi Chelsea,

    The best thing to do is set yourself goals: Run a 5K, Run a 10K, Run a Half Marathon, Run A Marathon.

    But before this Run/Jog/Walk a 5k, whatever you do just complete the distance, time yourself at set a PB. This will then set a precedent for every 5k you do after that. You wont believe how motivated you could become once you set yourself a bar!

    As for getting out there, I prefer to run in the morning, I prepare my gear (Trainers/Shorts/Shirt/Headphones) the night before then when I get up put them straight on and get out the door! When you get back you can shower get dressed and you're ready for the rest of your day. Also you won't believe how awake you will feel after you start running in the morning!

    Make running a part of your life, a mindset, it is one of the best ways to say " I want to challenge myself each day and prove to myself I am not a quitter and I CAN SUCCEED!

    Hope this helps :)

    Kyle Bonsor PT BSc
  • FlamingJune67
    FlamingJune67 Posts: 96 Member
    Why does your cardio have to be running? Since you love lifting, how about interval circuit training? Or another kind of cardio, like spin, Zumba, elliptical etc?

    But since you asked, and since I do love running, my 3 best ideas are:

    1) run with a friend. Or better yet, help a friend with his or her couch to 5k. Positive peer pressure is awesome!

    2) buy a Garmin or use an app on your phone to track your distance, pace and calories. If you are a goal oriented person, seeing those numbers go up and continually trying to beat yourself is a good motivator.

    3) Schedule your runs. I mean, get a calender and plan your runs for the week or month and then let everyone know your plans. All my family and friends know that I run on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings and Saturday morning. making a schedule and then telling others about it helps hold you accountable.

    Good luck!!
  • ChelseaWelseyKins
    ChelseaWelseyKins Posts: 272 Member
    Thanks for the advice. Maybe setting an actual goal instead of just going on a run will make it easier. It's not that I don't WANT to run, I have no problem while I'm doing it. It's just the "getting out the door" that's the problem. I'll try the tracker apps and maybe grab some new workout clothes :)