P90X users

jennifersteffen Posts: 6
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
thanks yall so much!! i really appreciate all the feed back! and yea, i've started adding an extra workout too, and i found a way to jazz up the yoga dvd and it's awesome!! what i started doing is, well y'know how the half of the dvd is the moving positions and the last half is balance postures? well i just do the first half and hold each position for 5 deep breaths, and then continue on in sequence as the dvd would, and just really do all of those moves with more of a fluid movement. because to me, even though you are moving, i feel that they hold those poses too long and i end up coming out of them instead of staying in them and not stopping till i'm done. i've noticed i sweat a ton more and it only takes about 25min, at least that's how long it took when i timed myself. but please, if anyone tries it, please let me know what you think of the change. :D


  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i may try that, i hate yoga x and never make it thru, last nite was yoga night so i just substituted cardio x instead
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I might have to try that as well. Lately when it is Yoga X day, I have been skipping it completely and replacing it with the Jillian Michaels yoga DVD which is much shorter to begin with. It's still a great cardio workout and a high calorie burner, too. Also, some people do the "Fountain of Youth" yoga DVD from Tony Horton's One on One series. I just think that 90 minutes is too long because I simply don't have that much time in the day! I even put Ab Ripper X on cardio days to save time since the cardio workouts are all shorter than the circuit training ones.
  • yea, i stopped doing the entire yoga dvd a long time ago because some of the postures put me to sleep because they're too relaxing. in one of them, corpse pose, you just lay there and do nothing, and i stretch regularly so i don't wanna do all that. but if yall try doing the yoga like me, i promise you'll love it. just remember the key is to do the movements fluidly. like when you're doing the asthangas, go from chataranga to upward dog to plank to downward dog then to the next move, you'll start sweating so fast, but remember to hold the initial pose ( runners stretch, crescent pose, warrior one, warrior two, reverse warrior, right angle pose, twisted right angel pose, chair pose, twisted chair pose, downward dog with a leg raise (5 times) each side, right angle pose, extended right angle pose, right angle pose with the grab, prayer twist, side arm balance, warrior three, leg splits, half moon, and finally twisting half moon).... :D happy exercising!
  • Yeah I also stopped yoga after three weeks of round 1. I would do x stretch or cardio.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I hated Yoga X when I did P90X, but I'd never change it. I don't believe in working hard for no reason, but there's a reason that video is hard. It's long, and tough, and you do the same dam thing over and over.

    It's awesome.

    But if skipping the hard stuff and doing the easier stuff is really what you think will help you reach your goals, then more power to you.
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