Thoughts on Lean Cuisine, Weight watcher meals etc



  • High amounts of sodium. Not worth it. Sodium keeps you from burning fat. Also makes everything you do harder on your heart. I personally do not eat them because of that and other reasons but that one alone is enough.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Obviously they are processed and high in sodium and all that ... but it IS ok to eat them, really. Sometimes you need something quick and easy, and it IS better than a lot of the other options. I typically have a Lean Pocket for lunch a few days a week. It takes 2 minutes to cook and I can eat it while I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off when I'm trying to get ready for work in the morning after only a few hours of sleep, lol. And I think that it IS something that you will be doing for the rest of your life- who doesn't need a quick meal every once in a while/all the time? lol

    If you are eating them as a substitute for cooking every day and you are eating them only to lose weight and then once you're done losing weight, you'll never eat them again... then no, probably not a good choice. But if it is part of your lifestyle, it is part of your lifestyle, and so be it. That's ok.
  • I love the Smart Ones(weight watchers). I eat them probably more than I should. It's just easier for me to measure what I eat that way. I have started to make my own meals and learning to be creative with "real" food but I do still probably eat a frozen dinner about 5 times a week. I think they are great for people trying to get started with portion control and dieting.
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    As a nutritionist I recommend, in a pinch and once in awhile they are fine but don't make a habit out of them. Real food is the only answer for the long term and how to survive with long term weight loss.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I know they're not great but I eat one a day. I do it more for convenience sake. It's easier to grab a frozen dinner for lunch than to take the time to make my lunch. I did lose weight eating them but as everyone says, they're loaded with sodium.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I agree with the bulk here, not good for you. Bleck sodium! And the other icky fake things they add for no good reason...

    But I want to point out something really simple here, you can make these things on your own. This is so much about being lazy - yes, we're all busy, but it's possible to still eat healthy on the go. All you are doing is grabbing a pre-cooked pre-packaged meal, which is exactly something you make yourself!

    Next time you make dinner, make double or triple the recipe, portion it out into some ziploc/tupperware/glass containers and pop em in the freezer. Grab em the next time you are on the go.

    I use a store bought meal, very occasionally, more out of curiosity. But the bulk of the lunches I bring to work are my homemade "lean cuisines". You can do it too! (And make it soooooooo much better for you!)

    Sorry, but all I see is too much reliance, still, on fake things to get by. Which, really, isn't that part of what got (many) of us to this point?

  • Once a month, the kids have Pizza from Papa Johns. I will head to the grocery store to buy one of the box o' pizzas. My reason is because I know exactly the amount of calories and sodium I'm eating. Don't get me wrong, it's not near as "fun" as Papa Johns.
    But typically I do not eat them because I try to stay away from packaged food.
  • cem789
    cem789 Posts: 231 Member
    i never think they taste nice....
  • I sadly eat them for my lunches at work because of the convenience. I know I should do other stuff instead. Maybe I'll start do ing sandwiches or salads with chicken/beef for lunch again.
  • I have a Lean Cuisine for lunch at work. It is quick and a lot better for me than fast food! While the sodium in them is not great, it is still a lot less than McDonalds!
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    I eat them on days I am running too late to make a lunch for work. I work at a grocery store, so temptations is high getting soup or chicken wings, that I head to the other side of the store and grab a Lean Cuisine, or if I'm feeling junk foody I'll grab a Smart Ones pizza or something.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey there everyone, what are your thoughts on eating the weight watcher meals, lean cuisine etc

    I am torn in what is good to eat and what is not. I hear different things from different people. I know a girl that is into fitness and health and she tells me that in order to lose weight etc and eat right you need to eat a clean diet and I am sure she would think these prepackaged meals are terrible. Just curious your thoughts

    I agree with her......

    There is nothing like clean eating.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I agree with the bulk here, not good for you. Bleck sodium! And the other icky fake things they add for no good reason...

    But I want to point out something really simple here, you can make these things on your own. This is so much about being lazy - yes, we're all busy, but it's possible to still eat healthy on the go. All you are doing is grabbing a pre-cooked pre-packaged meal, which is exactly something you make yourself!

    Next time you make dinner, make double or triple the recipe, portion it out into some ziploc/tupperware/glass containers and pop em in the freezer. Grab em the next time you are on the go.

    I use a store bought meal, very occasionally, more out of curiosity. But the bulk of the lunches I bring to work are my homemade "lean cuisines". You can do it too! (And make it soooooooo much better for you!)

    Sorry, but all I see is too much reliance, still, on fake things to get by. Which, really, isn't that part of what got (many) of us to this point?


    A girl after my own heart.......... I love you!!!

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Yep, I eat Lean Cuisine often at work. I work second shift in a hospital and often times am limited on time. I generally get the Comfort cuisine line of Lean Cuisine so that I am not consuming so many carbs. I try to pick meals with less than 25 g of carbs and less than 9 grams of fat. Yes, they are very high in sodium because of the preservatives, but if you drink your water, don't add extra sometimes is better than salads you get ordering out.
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    I think they are OK...not the best thing you can eat...but certainly not the worst :tongue: I lost 30 lbs and have been on maintennace for 5 weeks and have been staying at the same weight and I do eat these. I have one about 3 days a week for lunch...during the week. I get the WW ones and Lean Cuisine and some Healthy Choice...I have my favorites for each :smile:
  • I lost 55 pounds of WW years ago, and I love the program. However after a while you realize you cannot live off the WW meals etc. Plus now that I am more into fitness than before. They have so much sodium that you can't rely on them for an every day meal.
  • They aren't filling IMO, the only one I've really tried and liked is the Lean Cuisine cheese ravioli. I eat that more as a craving food than anything...
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I'm sooo sick of hearing people bash these. Really, the only downside that mostly anyone can come up with is "high sodium" - however, even on days where I eat a lean cuisine, I don't go over sodium. Its about balancing your food choices. There are SO many other foods with high sodium that people don't even think twice about stuffing down. All the lean cuisines are completely preservative free. They're sensible portions, with reasonable nutrients. To eat one once in a while isn't a huge deal. Without them, I probably wouldn't have lost much of the weight that I have.

    I'm a single student at school full time, with part time work. I'm not gonna cook for myself every night - the food ends up going bad! I hate when others give such a strong (and incorrect) opinion that these means are terrible - they're not.
  • buttonsandbones
    buttonsandbones Posts: 7 Member
    I'm sooo sick of hearing people bash these. Really, the only downside that mostly anyone can come up with is "high sodium" - however, even on days where I eat a lean cuisine, I don't go over sodium. Its about balancing your food choices. There are SO many other foods with high sodium that people don't even think twice about stuffing down. All the lean cuisines are completely preservative free. They're sensible portions, with reasonable nutrients. To eat one once in a while isn't a huge deal. Without them, I probably wouldn't have lost much of the weight that I have.

    I'm a single student at school full time, with part time work. I'm not gonna cook for myself every night - the food ends up going bad! I hate when others give such a strong (and incorrect) opinion that these means are terrible - they're not.

    Thank you! I totally agree. I eat one each weekday for lunch with some fruit and veggies and my daily sodium intake is within limits. I don't eat them out of laziness. I tried making my own frozen meals and I just didn't like them as well. I work on a rural military base with limited options for purchasing lunch. Sandwiches get either dried out or soggy before lunch. My husband takes supper leftovers, if there are any, for his lunch. I find Lean Cuisines to be just perfect for me and I plan on them being part of my lifestyle as long as I'm working outside the the home.
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    I'm sooo sick of hearing people bash these. Really, the only downside that mostly anyone can come up with is "high sodium" - however, even on days where I eat a lean cuisine, I don't go over sodium. Its about balancing your food choices. There are SO many other foods with high sodium that people don't even think twice about stuffing down. All the lean cuisines are completely preservative free. They're sensible portions, with reasonable nutrients. To eat one once in a while isn't a huge deal. Without them, I probably wouldn't have lost much of the weight that I have.

    I'm a single student at school full time, with part time work. I'm not gonna cook for myself every night - the food ends up going bad! I hate when others give such a strong (and incorrect) opinion that these means are terrible - they're not.

    High sodium isn't the only thing. They're highly processed. Processed food looses much of the nutritional value it might have had otherwise and other things are added to make up for it (like more sodium to bring back flavor lost).

    Sorry, I never bought the "I don't have time because of X" excuse. I'm a full time graduate student who also works part time and has my own small business in art and stained glass on the side. I never cook every night. Thats sheer tomfoolery for people who have the luxury of time and better cooking skills than I. (Enjoyable tomfoolery because I love to cook, but still...) BUT I do cook most of my own meals. I will plan out my time so that I have a few hours to make a bulk healthy meal that keeps well in the refrigerator or in the freezer. When Im hungry, I take some out and rewarm it. Most of what I make lasts for anywhere from a week to a month. I have yet to find ANYONE who doesnt have an hour or two every other week to be able to prepare a meal in bulk. Most people have time to fit in TV watching or hanging around on forums like this. Why not take that time and instead prep a healthy meal and cut the processed crud?
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