What is your exercise routine?

Currently my week consists of:

2 x High Intensity Interval Training classes (cardio + weights)
1 x PT session
1 x 10km run
1 or 2 x 7km walk

My aim is to get lean, and am interested to hear of what other people incorporate into their weekly workouts that may help. I've hit a bit of a plateau and not seeing progress as fast as I used to.

The session I have each week with my trainer is based around a lot of heavy lifting (really heavy!), and I'm wondering if I should add another heavy lifting session in and see if that helps?



  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I row Mon-Fri and add one minute every day. Today is 39 minutes. After rowing I do reps on the assisted pull-up machine.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'm doing stronglifts 5x5. It's a beginners weight lifting program. I'll usually stretch, do 5-10 mins on the elliptical, then anywhere 20-45 mins either walking outside or on the elliptical after.
    ETA: I also stretch after lifting.
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    I do workout DVDs @ home. I aim for 5 times a week. Currently I am doing a hybrid of Insanity & P90X3.
  • Monday - Circuit Training - 7min rounds, 4 round & 2 Circuits - 1min rest between rounds
    Tuesday - Fasted Cardio & Evening LISS
    Wednesday - Circuit Training - 7min rounds, 4 round & 2 Circuits - 1min rest between rounds
    Thursday - Fasted Cardio & Evening LISS
    Friday - Circuit Training - 7min rounds, 4 round & 2 Circuits - 1min rest between rounds
    Saturday - 1-2hour walk
    Sunday - Rest