Slim Fast Diets

Hi Everyone,

Been using MFP since April but just getting into the community side of it.

I work from home and I have been really busy so my time for cooking has been limited - so I have been eating a bit of junk instead of nice healthy meals. I know i could organise myself more of an evening but with Christmas looming I am struggling!

So I decided that I will Slimfast for a couple of weeks, just to help the Xmas dress go on a lil bit better and I was wondering how people feel about Slimfast and if they had good results?

My plan is to boost my calories up to 1200 with extra veg and fruit when needed, and I will probably eat my Slimming World diet at weekends when I have time to plan.



  • shellybelly83
    I haven't done slimfast. It works for some, but my trainer told me that stuff really isn't that good for you. You could try protein shakes like Myoplex Carb Control to replace some meals instead. I drink 2-3 shakes a day and do 2-3 healthy small meals a day. Just a thought! Good luck in whatever you do!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I agree with the above comment, it has way too much sugar and almost no protein and it is protein that keeps you full. Buy a whey protein powder instead, I love the chocolate Body Fortress one from Walmart, its $19 Cdn so not only is it cheaper than slim fast but much, much better for you if you are using it as a meal replacement. .
  • CharityD
    CharityD Posts: 193
    I use Champion Low Sugar Whey instead....lots of protein so I'm fuller longer. I haven't drank Slim Fast in a long time, but it always gave me stomach "trouble"! :sick:
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I was wondering how people feel about Slimfast and if they had good results?

    I thought I’d reference the CNN Twinkie Diet someone recently put themselves through. You can eat anything you want and loose weight as long as you burn more than you eat. The problem with the Twinkie diet is that your brain and body aren't getting the nutrients they need to function but the guy who did it lost 30 lbs. To answer your question, YES you will lose weight if you drink nothing but Slim Fast but it’s not a good way to do it plus you mentioned you are trying to get to 1200 calories, be prepared for the onslaught of people who will advise you if you don't, starvation mode will happen and you will not loose any weight (just to sum up that theory quickly, of course if you are a tiny person that many not be true).
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    I did the Slim Fast in the cans a few years back. It's for two weeks. Anyone who goes on a strict diet for two weeks isn't going to get "good" stuff into their body. Take a good supplement. Watch the protein. A hard boiled egg might be a better choice than veggies. It worked for me....
  • KittyKat_Sammi
    Thanks everyone - I defo need look at the other options then. Do you see results then from the alternatives?
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    My cousin did slim fast some years ago and ended up having stomach and gall bladder issues. The doctor told her the slim fast contributed to it. That was over 10 years ago...but I'd still be careful. I agree with others, try some protein shakes. If you can make them yourself I think you are better off than using the precanned types.
  • KittyKat_Sammi
    I defo will be making calories up to 1200 if I don't work out and make them up more when MFP tells me too, the Slimfast was only a short option before xmas - never going to be a long term thing.

  • Flossycat100
    Hi KittyKat
    I have never tried any of these Slimfast-type diets but probably wouldn't- I think that for me it's a step too far. It depends how much you want to fit into that dress I suppose! I think if I were being really honest I would say that I can't get by without eating 'proper' food, and it's possible to get similar results by being careful what you eat. Besides, I can't stomach milkshakes at the best of times...yeuggh! I will keep looking up healthy recipes ad hope you might find some useful :flowerforyou:
  • KittyKat_Sammi
    Hi KittyKat
    I have never tried any of these Slimfast-type diets but probably wouldn't- I think that for me it's a step too far. It depends how much you want to fit into that dress I suppose! I think if I were being really honest I would say that I can't get by without eating 'proper' food, and it's possible to get similar results by being careful what you eat. Besides, I can't stomach milkshakes at the best of times...yeuggh! I will keep looking up healthy recipes ad hope you might find some useful :flowerforyou:

    Hi Flossy,

    I basically only decided to do this because I am having probs with timing and being able to cook a meal in the day. Work just isn't letting up. I probably need to organise time management a bit more and perhaps prepare my food at night, but I don't want to spend most of my evenings cooking at the min as I am busy getting straight for Christmas. I am going to try this for a week, but only for weekdays. I am also entering everything in the food diary and as it says I can have 1500 calories when working out, thats what I am doing. I am building up to at least 90% of this, but never less than the recommended 1200.

    Its the first time I have tried it, yesterday was okay but I also like the 'chewing' experience of food.........we shall see. I defo don't see this diet as a long term thing, it is defo just a quickstart option for Christmas dresses!

    Thank you for replying :flowerforyou: