Plantar Fasciitis/Heel Spur Questions



  • rula39
    rula39 Posts: 26
    Well I have it for 3 months now and just recently went to the podiatrist. This is what he told me: Always wear shoes even in the house, so the only time i have no shoes on is shower and when I am sleeping. He did give me some orthopedic insoles and I have to wears those at all times. Ice it a lot and take ibuprofen all the time. He told me ones the pain subsides ad another 3 months to it before you go out and do any kind of working out. Also he was big on not using the Treadmill at all. Hope that helps!!!
  • meeshers
    meeshers Posts: 73 Member
    I also had a mild case of plantar fasciitis because my hefty self wore no support ballet flats to my crazy job which involved me running around the building for 8 to 12 hours a day. I went to a physical therapist and she gave me a gooshy, spiky ball thing that I rolled my foot on. You can also do the calf stretches on the ball too by balancing on the ball of your foot on the ball and letting the heel drop towards the floor. The closest thing I've found on the internet is this:

    It's not the exact same thing I have, but you get the idea! It actually feels really nice to massage the feet. I suppose the best healer is time tho! Good luck :flowerforyou: