Day 1

Please add me! I am starting today and can't wait to shed the weight that I have slowly put on the last couple years. I have between 25-30 pounds to lose.
Let's motivate each other!


  • Just read your profile. My question is why do people (including myself) have such fixations that totally disrupt our lives...
    I have backed up and decided two things.

    1. Food is food
    2. Exercise is a good thing..

    Ok now to break it down.
    Food, we have to eat and so does our family. Now what are we eating? Are we fast food freaks? Do we take time to cook? Do we do our homework of food and its benefits or lack of?

    Exercise is good and for me it hurts like goal is to reverse the hurt... How do we exercise, when is to much not good for the body and what do I need to do to actually see a change and not kill myself?

    What is my motivation for wanting to get healthy? First it is for me and then for the 5 generations of my family that are living and breathing...

  • Xylish
    Xylish Posts: 5 Member
    My first...uh..short term goal is to lose about 30-40 lbs and get under 200 for the first time in like 6 years! I am IN on the motivation thing! (I hate hate lazy!)