target weight esp ladies of a certain age

Now I am wondering what other ladies around the 60 age group think. I will be 60 next March & had set my goal weight to be the weight I hovered around when I was younger which meant I needed to lose 4 stone.So far I have lost about 2 stone but I feel, as do others, that a lot has gone from my face & if more goes I shall look old & wrinkled .I am still heavy for my height but have more muscle than ever before & already my stomach, which has suffered 3 pregnancies & 2 major surgeries is flatter than ever before.I know I still need to lose some weight but rather than the 2 stone am now thinking maybe just one or one & a little bit. I am a large frame too so would be expected to be a little " heavy" for my height. What do others think? Has anyone else felt maybe they need to up their goal weight ?Thanks


  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    At 54 I am also thinking about how far to go. I know what you mean about the wrinkles and gaunt face. Although I like the idea of weighing what I weighed when I was younger I'm not sure that is the healthiest or best look at my age. My first goal is at the top of my healthy BMI. I thought I'd see how I look at that point and go from there. (15 more pounds to go)

    I also think that once I get to my healthy BMI I will start focusing more on toning and less on the numbers on the scale. Toning will make everything "look" better and clothes fit better.

    Good luck with your goals.
  • mountainmare
    mountainmare Posts: 294 Member
    I'm 61 and I look and feel best 5 pounds overweight. I have gone down to a healthy BMI but I looked too thin and felt too weak.
    The important thing is to be at a weight where you feel strong and your basic blood work looks good. For the first time ever I can do a real push-up, I'm not going to sweat 5 pounds.
    Face it, the days of worrying about bikinis are done gone, we just want to be able to get up from the beach blanket without help.