Stuck for 3 weeks

ARGH, I've been stuck for 3 weeks at 156 lbs. Well, no, for one day I was down to 154 (the day after Thanksgiving!) but now back up to 156. I feel like I haven't done anything different. FRUSTRATING!

Although now that I think about it, my calorie and exercise amounts have been kind of the same, but maybe a TINY bit heavier in the "treat" area, like pieces of chocolate and things.

Perhaps I should try to adjust more towards the fruit and veg and protein areas more.

Anyone have any encouraging words?


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Try changing it up a bit. Zig zag those cals for a week. Higher one day and lower the next. Give your metabolism a lil jump start.
  • veganempress
    I agree with the zig zag.. Also you need to change up your workouts every 3 to 4 weeks to avoid plateaus.
  • carcar63
    carcar63 Posts: 158
    I was stuck for about a month, (since Halloween) had gained 3lbs and nothing was coming off. The scale finally started to moved again on Monday, down to were I was in October.
    You just need to stick to it with exercising and watching your calorie intake, the scale will start moving again. It may take a little bit but it will.
    Good Luck
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    My daughter just went though this. For almost 3 weeks no change but she stayed with it, exercised and a couple days ago she lost a little and is still losing. Don't give up hope.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    My body does the same. I will hold for 2-3 weeks and then drop 5 pounds or so. I think my body is just trying to get me to quit the healthy lifestyle...after all for years when I stalled for 2-3 weeks I gave up. I set the precedent! Not working this time though. I am sticking to it. Keep doing what you are doing if you were losing steady before, it was obviously the right thing! If you feel you are truly stuck try upping your cals for a week (and don't freak out if you gain a pound) and then drop back down.

    Good Luck!
  • ginnyroxx
    can't really say. your food diary is private.
    are you eating at least 1200 calories a day after adding in your exercise calories?
    drinking enough water?
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    You haven't mentioned your exercise routine. If you're doing the same routine every day, your body will adjust to it and you will see diminishing returns for your efforts. If you walk, try increasing your speed or distance (or both). If you have a set cardio routine or strength training routine, try changing it up a bit by adding new exercises or increase the weight you're using in the old ones. And yes, if you find you've been increasing your intake of treats (and who doesn't at holiday time?), you might want to cut back a bit or increase the amount of exercise that you're getting to allow for some extra room in your daily calorie allowance. Hope this helps a bit. Good luck!
  • Uptopargolf
    Like everyone else, just stick with it. Change it up a bit. But above all just stick with it.

    P.S you may want to add one day this upcoming where you let yourself eat whatever you would like (within reason) because it will kick your metabolism into gear. A lot of body builders do that type of stuff.
  • bushman124
    bushman124 Posts: 85 Member
    Most importantly, DON'T GIVE UP! After losing 15 lbs I came to an abrubt stop for exactly 3 weeks. I just kept with it, knowing that logically I have to start losing again and sure enough the scale is once again moving. One of those days when I got on the scale and saw that it still didn't move, I was overcome with disappointment and tears just ran down my face, but I still didn't give up and neither should you! :flowerforyou: