Booo! Ankle Sprain - Fast recovery exercises?

ginnyroxx Posts: 763
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Sooooo.....I fell yesterday (super graceful, i know) in a shopping center parking lot. I was carrying my toddler, stepped off a curb and rolled my ankle on uneven ground. We're all fine, however, this really puts a damper on my workouts to say the least.

I've spent the late morning hours doing the arms & abs portion of 30Day Shred, and googling ankle rehab information. Getting an arm/ab workout is great, but I won't be satisfied with that for long. I love my Zumba classes and was just on week 2 of c25k, and really enjoying it.

Most of the places I found that talk about healing the ankle in 5-7 days want to charge to find out what the exercises are. I really don't have an extra $20 to spend on this right now, and I was hoping someone here may know? I have no problem resting my foot for about a week, but then i'm going to go crazy. HELP!


  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    There is no quick fix to an ankle sprain and working through an injury can cause you more damage in the long run. You'll need a couple days regardless for the injury to heal then you can begin the rehab process. There are no quick fixes to recovery.

    Generally with an ankle injury, there is a tendance to walk on the ball of the foot to avoid the obvious pain in the joint. What you want to do however, it re-develop the normal gait of walking heel-to-toe so that the circulation and control returns to the joint through the healing process.

    To start your return, take an ice pack (or frozen peas are excellent) and wrap it directly on the joint for 20 minutes solid. This has the effect of freezing the pain centres in the ankle which will allow you to do a proper walking motion. (As much as possible). Once frozen, then attempt to walk heel-to-toe at a slow pace.

    If that motion is comfortable, slowly increase the pace of the walk. Do NOT however attempt to jog or run at the first session.

    Ice again for 20 mins after walking to re-freeze the joint and rest the day.

    Repeat the process daily until the pain centres and healing comes along. Once a quick walk motion is comfortable, you can progress to a light jog leading up to a run.

    Following that, Agility movements such as a shuttle run are the last stage in rehabilitation.

    Bear in mind, this is a rather condenced version of the actual re-hab technique, but if you'd like more detailed guidance feel free to send me a note and I'll be happy to help.

    Good luck.
  • Thank you for the FR, Egger. I plan to follow your advice!

    @Byn - I *do* have a pool at my gym. I hadn't thought of that. thanks!
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    I have had serious ankle problems at various times, and while not useful this early strengthening exercises when it feels a bit better will go a long way to preventing further sprains.

    Writing the alphabet with your foot ie move it in the shape of an A then a B etc. is often recommended.

    I also everyday - originally to improve my balance, but is great for the ankle and core muscles, is stand on each foot for one minute in three different yoga poses. One is with my arms raised and clasped above my head and the sole of one foot resting against the foot I'm balanced on. The second is simply hugging one knee into my stomach while balanced on the other leg and the easiest is leaning forward with one arm outstretched while the other holds one foot behind and up ... yikes I'm not very good at describing these! They are all poses from WiiFit actually.

    Hope you are back in action very soon. Injuries are very depressing.
  • I have had serious ankle problems at various times, and while not useful this early strengthening exercises when it feels a bit better will go a long way to preventing further sprains.

    Writing the alphabet with your foot ie move it in the shape of an A then a B etc. is often recommended.

    I also everyday - originally to improve my balance, but is great for the ankle and core muscles, is stand on each foot for one minute in three different yoga poses. One is with my arms raised and clasped above my head and the sole of one foot resting against the foot I'm balanced on. The second is simply hugging one knee into my stomach while balanced on the other leg and the easiest is leaning forward with one arm outstretched while the other holds one foot behind and up ... yikes I'm not very good at describing these! They are all poses from WiiFit actually.

    Hope you are back in action very soon. Injuries are very depressing.
    thank you! I can visualize each of the poses you've described :)
  • AlissaPT
    AlissaPT Posts: 65 Member
    Once your range of motion is back, and you've done TONS of icing and rest, you could also start back on the bike. You can get some cardio in and take it easy on your ankle. Careful with swimming - it's a great suggestion, but kicking can be painful, so take it slow. If the pain persists, I also recommend seeing your doctor - our advice will only take you so far if there's more than just a minor sprain.
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