Introduce Yourself

I am ready!! I have been the classic "Yo-Yo" dieter pretty much my entire life. Able to lose tremendous amounts of weight on other programs really quickly (but never quite seem to sustain through a Maintenance Phase), this will be my first (and planning to be final) time to lose weight "One Pound at a Time - one pound per week". It was what most Dr's recommend for long term, and since the "quick losses" of the past have never remained, it is time I give "good reason" a try.
I began on November 29th, and I am excited because I am not "stressed" or starving by day four!! I am thankful to feel calm, and so far, I feel it is leading to much better decision making and choices!! My initial goal is to lose 38 lbs, which will put me at the maximum weight for "good" health at my height. My other goal, which the dietician recommended, is to try to get my fiber up to 25 grams per day to help my cholestrol numbers, and to drink the eight glasses of water each day.
Once I conquer those goals, I will establish a new goal - maybe!! But, for right now, good health is my goal!! I pray for a great group of supporters to partner with me on this journey to "good" health!! It will be an honor to have your support!!


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm a 25 year old mother of twins. After their diagnosis (cystic fibrosis) i found myself numbing the pain with food. Before my pregnancy and before the diagnosis, i never had a weight problem. The entire "eating right and working out" regime was foreign to me. It took me 2 years to finally "get it" and realize I needed to change. My turning point was actually my wedding day. I felt less than beautiful and my "beautiful photos" were actually just a painful reminder of what I wasn't anymore. I started my journey on August 29th, 2010 and have lost 28lbs since then. I'm back to my pre pregnancy weight, I feel better, I have more energy and now I'm looking to trim a little more and then tone up :)
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member

    - Eva
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Welcome to the cyber-world of a free online food diary where you will be able to find others to help you through your struggles to DUMP YO-YO DIETING.

    Take it from one who has gone through the same process for 55 years. With this program, I am able to stay on track, shed these unhealthy excess fat pounds AND have a great tool to keep from putting that weight back on. How? Accurately weigh and measure, then record every single item that goes in your mouth. We do this: one meal at a time, one day at a time ~~~ for the rest of our lives.

    If you wish, you may add me as a friend on here.

    Claire :flowerforyou:
  • zanniletii
    I saw a reference to this application for Android on Facebook and thought "That might just be the thing!" I've struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I have a hard time with "calorie counting" and meetings, etc. I've tried web-based programs before and just couldn't stick to it. I think because this is available on my Android phone, I can actually stick to it! I work on the computer all day so when I get home, getting online is the last thing I want to do. I don't always have time to write down my habits so I can figure what I need to change and I'm not a fan of meetings. BUT! I always have my phone with me and it takes literally seconds to enter the info. Awesome!!!
    I probably won't be here on the website too often, but I wanted to put myself out there and say Hi!
    I am a childhood cancer survivor so I think if I can beat that, losing weight should be a cinch!

    ~Zanniletii ;o)
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I am ready!! I have been the classic "Yo-Yo" dieter pretty much my entire life. Able to lose tremendous amounts of weight on other programs really quickly (but never quite seem to sustain through a Maintenance Phase), this will be my first (and planning to be final) time to lose weight "One Pound at a Time - one pound per week". It was what most Dr's recommend for long term, and since the "quick losses" of the past have never remained, it is time I give "good reason" a try.
    I began on November 29th, and I am excited because I am not "stressed" or starving by day four!! I am thankful to feel calm, and so far, I feel it is leading to much better decision making and choices!! My initial goal is to lose 38 lbs, which will put me at the maximum weight for "good" health at my height. My other goal, which the dietician recommended, is to try to get my fiber up to 25 grams per day to help my cholestrol numbers, and to drink the eight glasses of water each day.
    Once I conquer those goals, I will establish a new goal - maybe!! But, for right now, good health is my goal!! I pray for a great group of supporters to partner with me on this journey to "good" health!! It will be an honor to have your support!!

    Welcome I also have just started with myfitnesspal and so far find it a fabulous tool, I am sure you will enjoy it and the amazing support you get from all the members here. It is very easy to use and navigate as well. Good Luck with all your challenges and goals you have set and if you are looking for some support feel free to add me.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    hey and welcome :D