I wonder what skinny sex is like?

Jened13 Posts: 29 Member
Do you think it will be better? worse? Definitely different...right. I only know fat girl sex....which ain't bad, but what an interesting concept.

Many new adventures of the thinner Jen. I'm a list person, and I started one. I am hoping that it will give me the additional motivation that I need. Some people look at the "before" pictures because they never want to go back. I like to think about the future, and since I don't really have a picture of the thinner me available, I have opted to look at the list of the things I look forward too. In no particular order, the I can't wait to do this when I'm thinner list:

Tie my shoes - I literally hold my breath when I tie my shoes currently because all the fat gets in the way and cuts off my airway....terrible, but the idea that I could lean over and tie my shoes and not feel light-headed is ASTOUNDING to me. It's a constant reminder of my size, so I know that WHEN I can do this, it will do the same in revere.

Crossing my legs - I sit like a man because that is the only way I can comfortably. I don't know how to cross my legs properly because their size makes it pretty much impossible to do. The seductive leg cross would be FANTASTIC.

Going up stairs - They are my arch nemesis now. I take the 3 sections of stairs up every day at work and I am always huffing and puffing by the top and my legs burn. The day that this is no longer an issue.....in fact scratch that. The day that I can run up some stairs I will absolutely pull a ROCKY. It will be so VICTORIOU.S

SHOPPING - This may be at the top of the list. My entire life I have been stifled by my size and where I can shop. When I can walk into ANY store and shop with all my skinny friends (because there is always a token fat chic in the group....and I am it) I may cry. I can buy things from time to time at Forever 21 (Forever 21+ section) and Old Navy...Every time that I have been able to do that, I feel as though I am not a freak...I am normal. To have that every day will be EPIC!

Wearing a bathing suit - Enough Said!!

TANK TOPS - To no longer have the "BINGO ARMS" as I refer to them. The ones that still shake in excitement as you raise your hands in the air yelling BINGO will be a day I have waited for since I was 12 years old (the last time I remember wearing a tank top in public and not feeling terrible about it)

Bras - CUTE BRAS DO NOT COME IN MY SIZE!!!!! I either wear bras too small so that I can feel somewhat sexy, or I wear the comfortable ones that are just AWFUL...I wouldn't wish it on my grandma. They have 3 inch straps for "support" and a HUGE clasp in the back. Completely unattainable for the sly one-handed trick for a guy ;). I want a Victoria Secrets bra with 2 clasps that is lacy and gorgeous and makes me feel SEXY while somewhat comfortable

Messenger bags - Currently these look like a bag to support my boobs. It doesn't hit on the waist. It isn't loose and trendy and cute. It is a highlight of how large my middle section is. I love them in the stores and every time get hopeful that maybe if I extend it all the way out, it will look good....FALSE! One day though I will be trendy and cute with it...even if it is not as 'in style' when I get to that point

Not having to wear SPANX - They are a wonderful creation for women, and realistically they may still come in handy, but they are a staple in my day-to-day wardrobe, and I just want cute underwear to match the cute bra and not have to excuse myself to quickly try to take them off if the spontaneous "wanna?" comes up.

SEX - That 1000 Sex positions book that I see all the time at Barnes and Nobles might actually come in handy, because there are limitations in what I am able to. The ones that I could do, I don't because I am to self-conscious. Spice up the love life and not be always concerned about lights, and clothing and what I look like so I can enjoy it all from a new perspective.

Running with my daughter - Listening to her laugh as we race and run around in the backyard will be PRICELESS

Running with my dog - I constantly admire the runners on the streets with their dogs. I walk our Ruben, but he is the kind of dog that NEEDS a run from time to time I think. Then I can be one of those people I admire everyday

Wedding Dress - It's a long way out, but being able to go wedding dress shopping and not have to be bound and clipped into a dress that is 8 sizes to small to 'try and get an idea' so I can fork over a grand is worth so much to me. I was previously married and dress shopping was such an unpleasant experience. If I am so lucky to marry my love (we will call him GB because it is sentimental to me) I want to be the most beautiful thing he has ever seen and I won't be that unless I think it. To get that image, I need to be in a better spot physically. I want to enjoy every single moment of that process. Fortunately, I have some time to prepare.

Jewelry - None of the 'standard sizes' for jewelry fit me. Necklaces, Bracelets, even Anklets. I love jewelry, but I play it off like I don't because I can't fit into any of them. I don't ask for the sparkly necklace (even though I want it) because I don't want the awkward moment of putting it on and I look as though I am being squeezed to death.

BOOTS - This is also a big one...The sexy boots, winter boots, rain boots that are adorable and look so good on everyone...don't fit over my calves. I will own SOOOO many boots when I am thinner

Not being hot all the time - I am literally sweating now as I type and today was the 'cool' day for the month of July here. In the winter it's nice as I don't get cold, but I have started to hate the summer because I AM ALWAYS HOT. I think with a little less poundage I might get some reprieve from this

Dancing - I LOVE TO DANCE. I don't though....I think that everyone is looking at me and laughing. I have caught people doing it. So I don't go out dancing. To be able to get out there shake that *kitten* and have it come back to center faster (and not be so crazy hot) is an exciting thought

NO MORE CHAFFING - I am sure can figure that one out

Seat belts - I call SHOTGUN for anything I am not able to drive for. I say I get carsick or some funny line about why I deserve the front. The reality is that a lot of the back seat belts don't fit me. Elaboration on this is the airplane seat belts. I can get them buckled but it is an effort and I get stressed out every time I am on a plane that I won't be able to.

Wearing Sexy shoes - Although I don't like to be taller than the GB (which in heels over 2 inches I am) I love the long sexy look with heels. I can't wear them more than 15 minutes now because the weight of 1000 elephants feels as though they are coming down on the poor ball of my foot

Now I am sure that a lot of these seem very superficial....and they are, but it is the motivations that I need to get thru some of the bad days (which today was). The ideas of SKINNY SEX!!!