figuring out calories

I run across foods that are no tin the food list, most of the time while eating out, how do I go about determining how many calories something is?


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I generally try to break down the ingredients and take my best guess. And then generally add a few hundred calories for error. But I also try to limit the amount of times I go out to make it easier.
  • numinousnymph
    numinousnymph Posts: 249 Member
    I generally try to break down the ingredients and take my best guess. And then generally add a few hundred calories for error. But I also try to limit the amount of times I go out to make it easier.

    i basically do the same thing. when eating out, i always check MFP or google to see if the restaurant has a website that lists nutrition info. sometimes places i thought wouldn't have any nutrition info online actually do (and some are already entered into MFP). but if a place does not have info, i break the meal down and manually enter each ingredient to the best of my estimation. actually, when i first get the meal, before i eat it i look at all the ingredients, estimate about how much of each ingredient there is, and write it down in my phone so i correctly remember it for when i enter it later (this does look a little obsessive/neurotic to some people, i think, lol. but you gotta do what you gotta do). it's more difficult when entering things like sauces or dressings, or things cooked with oil, but i try to do my best.