"Empty" Areas Where Fat Used To Be?

Does anyone else have this problem? After losing over 40 pounds I don't really have any loose skin. What I have are saggy, flabby areas where the fat used to be. For instance, my legs aren't really that much smaller than they used to be, but they sure are flabbier. So much for being able to look good in a pair of shorts! Same thing with my stomach area. Not bad standing up, but bend over, look down, and die!

I don't picture this situation ever getting better. I look a lot better in clothes than I used to, and I guess I'll have to settle for that.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Does anyone else have this problem? After losing over 40 pounds I don't really have any loose skin. What I have are saggy, flabby areas where the fat used to be. For instance, my legs aren't really that much smaller than they used to be, but they sure are flabbier. So much for being able to look good in a pair of shorts! Same thing with my stomach area. Not bad standing up, but bend over, look down, and die!

    I don't picture this situation ever getting better. I look a lot better in clothes than I used to, and I guess I'll have to settle for that.

    Nope you don't have to settle...

    While losing this 40lbs did you do any resistence training? or just cardio? or just deficit?

    If you didn't do any resistence training start some. I lost over 50+ lbs and started resistence training after 25lbs...I don't have that issue as I kept a lot of my muscle mass.
  • strassenkoenigin
    yeah, I know the problem. And the older you get , the worse it gets. It even caused me to put on weight again because it looked so bad. I did some research and it will get better if you are able to maintain the same weight. Also dry brushing helps. Get a good body brush and give yourself a good brushdown like you would brush a horse. Just kidding. More circular motions, I think. Get a good massage from time to time. Take cold showers.
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Weight lifting - preferably compound lifts. It really works! Good luck!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Well, I've been doing Strongllifts 5x5 for about a year now. It's not helping. I also walk pretty much every day for at least 1/2 hour. Have been doing abdominal work for about 3 years.
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    I'm with you on the belly. You can almost see my abs when i'm standing up but when i sit down i look fat as I ever did.

    What I have read about the flabby skin though is that it takes time to tighten back up. If you drop your body fat percentage low enough your skin will want to tighten up but it could take months or years to do so. So i'm hoping I can drop to 10-11% and hold it there long enough to get my tummy looking good when i sit down...haha.

    I've also heard that the length of time it takes to tighten up depends on how long it was in the expanded state...
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    Weight training will help this a lot, but it will take a little time if you did not do any while you were losing weight. Get started on a good program like Strong Curves or New Rules of Lifting, work hard and you will see huge improvements after a few months.

    I'm 68 and just lost 20 pounds. I've been lifting for many years, and continued while I was losing. I have no flab as a result of weight loss. It is never too late to start! Good luck!

    ETA: if Strong a Lifts is not doing anything for you, try a different program! I suggested two above, but there are lots out there. Many people on here like Strong Lifts, but if you're not seeing results, it's time to switch.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I did do it the entire time I was losing weight. I also did not lose too fast.
  • skinnybythanksgiving
    skinnybythanksgiving Posts: 159 Member
    It gets better with time, mine has changed by smoothing out and doesn't look bad. Walking helps.
  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    I think I have something similar... On one leg mid thigh I have a dent where it's firm on the other, I'm guessing I had some fat that's gone??? The skin isn't exactly loose, just I can just feel a big dip there.

    It's a bit freaky tbh! Hoping it will sort itself out ...
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Does anyone else have this problem? After losing over 40 pounds I don't really have any loose skin. What I have are saggy, flabby areas where the fat used to be. For instance, my legs aren't really that much smaller than they used to be, but they sure are flabbier. So much for being able to look good in a pair of shorts! Same thing with my stomach area. Not bad standing up, but bend over, look down, and die!

    I don't picture this situation ever getting better. I look a lot better in clothes than I used to, and I guess I'll have to settle for that.

    In that case, the problem is both time - those areas will tighten up some over the next several months - and that you haven't lost enough fat in those areas. I don't know your stats, so can't give advice other than to look into ways to reduce your %BF. Depending on where you are, you might need to lose more weight, you might be better off focusing on a recomposition. It's possible your best avenue would be to start building muscle.

    But you don't have to settle if you don't want. Flab can be dealt with through diet and exercise. Much better than loose skin that would require time & likely surgery.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This whole post is very confusing to me. I guess I don't know what loose skin looks like or is. I have a couple of flabby areas (upper abdomen and upper arms) after losing 130 lb, but when I read the OP I was like "wat!? That's what loose skin is."

    Someone enlighten me. Very confused!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yeah it's what loose skin is. And it will depend on your age and genetics. I'm a bit tired honestly of hearing people say that doing strength training while you lose will prevent it... because it's not true at all. I did lifting and/or strength training the whole time and I have them on my stomach, upper arms, and inner thighs. My genetics just suck (I also don't heal well and scar easily). It's also worse in the areas where I already had stretch marks. I have a pocket of skin that hangs there when I bend over, it's just lovely.

    So anyway... I've noticed a tiny improvement on my stomach in the last 6 months (I've only lost pretty much 3 pounds since then, but I've lost some inches). I don't think it's ever going away though. Same for my 'bat wings'... my triceps are much more defined now than they were 6 months ago, and the bat wings haven't moved.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    As I lose, I go through periods where my fat gets looser and seems, "flabby" instead of like when I started and I was bursting out of my skin. Is that what you mean?

    Then I drop a bunch in a short period of time and everything seems to tighten up.

    It's kind of cyclical, although I can't seem to tie it to anything I've done. The looser, flabbier fat does gross me out more, but I know it means it's falling off soon, so I tolerate it.

    Not sure if that helps at all, lol.

    I hope you get rid of your flabbies! :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I think I have something similar... On one leg mid thigh I have a dent where it's firm on the other, I'm guessing I had some fat that's gone??? The skin isn't exactly loose, just I can just feel a big dip there.

    It's a bit freaky tbh! Hoping it will sort itself out ...

    I had a really bad bruise and have a bit of a dent where it was. I think I lost some muscle there.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    This whole post is very confusing to me. I guess I don't know what loose skin looks like or is. I have a couple of flabby areas (upper abdomen and upper arms) after losing 130 lb, but when I read the OP I was like "wat!? That's what loose skin is."

    Someone enlighten me. Very confused!

    Just loose skin is very thin, like tissue paper, and wrinkly and looks like a deflated balloon. Flabby areas, to me, are where there's loose skin and fat and sort of hang away from the muscles and bones. The skin on my inner thighs is loose skin while the flab hanging from my biceps is fat and skin.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    This whole post is very confusing to me. I guess I don't know what loose skin looks like or is. I have a couple of flabby areas (upper abdomen and upper arms) after losing 130 lb, but when I read the OP I was like "wat!? That's what loose skin is."

    Someone enlighten me. Very confused!

    Just loose skin is very thin, like tissue paper, and wrinkly and looks like a deflated balloon. Flabby areas, to me, are where there's loose skin and fat and sort of hang away from the muscles and bones. The skin on my inner thighs is loose skin while the flab hanging from my biceps is fat and skin.

    Thanks to you and to others who clarified! I think I get it now.
  • Numberwang22
    Numberwang22 Posts: 213 Member
    I think I have something similar... On one leg mid thigh I have a dent where it's firm on the other, I'm guessing I had some fat that's gone??? The skin isn't exactly loose, just I can just feel a big dip there.

    It's a bit freaky tbh! Hoping it will sort itself out ...

    I had a really bad bruise and have a bit of a dent where it was. I think I lost some muscle there.

    Ooh thanks for reply, I've only noticed since losing a few pounds but I wonder if that could have happened a while back?!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I don't really think I have much more fat to lose on my legs or arms. There is a little left on the belly, but losing that won't get rid of the empty space.

    Maybe I can describe it like this: I've had three babies. After the babies came out, the space where they had been was still there. It's the same way with my upper arms and thighs.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Maybe I can describe it like this: I've had three babies. After the babies came out, the space where they had been was still there. It's the same way with my upper arms and thighs.

    OK...this totally confused me.
    Do you mean you have 'rectus diastasis'?

    ETA: obviously not talking about areas other than abdomen
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Maybe I can describe it like this: I've had three babies. After the babies came out, the space where they had been was still there. It's the same way with my upper arms and thighs.

    OK...this totally confused me.
    Do you mean you have 'rectus diastasis'?

    ETA: obviously not talking about areas other than abdomen

    No. I do not have that. However, the area never really shrunk back to it's former size.