looking for some motivational support...

Hi my name is Shaye, I'm 32 and I have been on this weight loss ride for a year. Last year I lost close to 70 pds but got off track and gained back over 20 pds. I am down 29 pds but I want to loose a total of 100 pds. My biggest weight was 289 and my smallest while on my wlj was 229. Right now I stand at 259 and lost 7 pds last week. I am just looking for a little motivation and I have no problem motivating others. I love too. Thanks for helping out in advance I do appreciate it.


  • sam1053
    sam1053 Posts: 43 Member
    Congratulations on the 29 pounds! I want to lose 50-60 pounds. I have tried losing weight in the past and have been successful at times, but I got caught up in school and work and lost motivation. I am hoping to lose some weight and get the ball rolling before I go back to school in September. I am a full time student, but I want to establish a healthy routine and keep it up throughout the year.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this...add me for support!
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 29 (30 this year) and I started out at 285-ish droped 60 lbs last year, but i've gained 7 back. I'm working on getting back on the losing track for the rest of this year and hoping to drop at least 1 pants size by New Years Eve. I've got about 75 more lbs to go before I hit my first goal weight (I'll decide from there if I need to lose more.) I'd love more support and I'd be happy to support you too. :D
  • ydonis
    ydonis Posts: 1
    Hi Shaye, I too have been trying to lose weight for years! Every time I'm doing good, something gets in my way and side tracks me and there I go again, gaining the weight back and trying to lose it. I have been working out for a little over one month now and I wish I could say that I have lost 29 pounds! I feel like it happens SO SLOW and it's easy to get discouraged. What I'm trying to do is just stay away from malls (because that can easily get me depressed...looking at all the pretty clothes that I CAN'T wear), eat clean (more veggies and fruit / eliminating whites and under 1200 cal/day), and going to Zumba four times a week. Hopefully my body will kick into gear and start shedding some pounds too! One thing that I don't do is weigh myself...that's a big NO NO for me, because it's easy to get discouraged if you don't see the numbers move down. I would rather see the difference in the way my clothes fit. Don't lose your motivation! We can do this!!!
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    Congratulations on the weightloss so far!! Feel free to add me :)
  • Nojoke81
    Nojoke81 Posts: 131
    Well done so far, I'm sure you'll continue to do great.
  • Pkendricks
    Pkendricks Posts: 9 Member
    Hi ladies, I am reading your posts and am thinking I sooooooooo fit in. Shaye, I can so relate to you. I lost 130 pounds about 3 years ago. I got off track and have gained about 30 back. I went from 350 to 218. I weigh around 244 now. I have been trying and trying to get back on track. I went through a divorce, I have my grandkids right now ad work long hours. I sometimes feel overwhelmed and give up.
    I have a wonderful man in my life who loves me for me, but I still want to lose the other 100 pounds for me and him. I am looking for a support team to really help me out of this hole.
    Don't get me wrong, he supports me, but I don't want to "whine" about things to him. Some days it is hard to stick with diet and I need to. I am also type II diabetic.
    So I am back on here to try to do this again.

    South Texas