A Whole Person to Lose



  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    The success story posts are great motivators.

    I had 112 pounds to lose to get to my goal of 185. 70 more to go.

    Anyway, I also didn't think I looked nearly as big as I really was- until I saw photographs. Ugh. It is odd how we can see something entirely different in our own mirrors, but photos don't lie.

    Set some small goals first and celebrate your small successes along the way.

    I read a good tip awhile ago; break your weight loss goals into 10% segments.. Each goal line is a bit less than the previous one.

    Be ever mindful and honest with your self about what you are eating and your fitness. Daily logging in here and tracking your calories truly, truly helps. Good luck.
  • sarahbrown1015
    sarahbrown1015 Posts: 92 Member
    I have lost 91 lbs(60 with MFP) and my trainer pointed out two days ago that it was the amount of a 13 year old. The most important two things I have done have been to make a decision to never quit, no matter what, and be open minded enough to understand that I needed to learn a lot. That if I knew how to do it I would have done so already. I saw an episode of 60 minutes a couple of years ago that was a game changer. It was about the scientists who perfectly layer fat salt and sugar so that it stimulates the brain in the same way that a drink does for an alcoholic. Doritos actually is addictive. Listen to the guy above. FAD DIETS DON"T WORK! You can do it! One lb at a time!
  • Ldonahue921
    Ldonahue921 Posts: 75 Member
    Smal, specific, obtainable, short term goals that YOU choose is the key.

    Example: My goal is to lose 1-2 pounds a week. It will take me a good while to reach my BIGGER goal but I'm worth it. I set my goal to suit my personality. If I set it at 5# a week and only lose 4 i'm a wreck. I don't see the 4# I lost I see my 1# failure and make unhealthy choices to comepesate for my failure. So, to only have POSITIVE emotional responses with no setbacks, I lowered my goal to 1-2# a week. If I lose 4# I do a little victory dance and whoop 'damn i'm good'. :D

    If I'm eating healthier than before and moving more than before then I'm practically gauranteed to reach my weekly goal. The weight didn't just show up overnight and it's not going to go away overnight. I'm in this for the long haul and i'm not going to beat myself up by demanding unrealistic dramatic and immediate results.

    Be patient and gentle with yourself, especially at first. I'm not saying to not work hard or anything like that. Anything worth doing is worth doing right. Just be honest with yourself and you'll know when you're ready to kick it up a notch.

    Again, set small obtainable goals so you get results and KNOW you're making progress. Be good to yourself, treat yourself right and your mind & body will return the favor.

    Enjoy your journey to the new & improved you!
  • pinielou1
    Wow. I think there is alot of info I need to look into from you old pros of losing weight. I was told to intake 1370 calories a day for what I put in the calculator. I'm definately going to check out the links provided in earlier posts and read. I need all the help I can get. Feel free to add me . I have alot of weight to loose also and am damn determined to keep at this.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Welcome! So far I've lost an 8 year old. Which is pretty cool if you think about it.
  • pinielou1
    That is pretty awesome. An eight year old. I know how heavy my grand daughter is to pickup and can't imagine carrying her around all day I could never do that but here I am carrying an extra adult with me. It's mind blowing when you think about it in that terms.