My name is Mike and I weigh 400 lbs



  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    You've made the commitment to yourself - that's the most important thing. I never paid attention to what I ate, but just the act of entering every single item I ate made me stop and focus on the fact food has nutritional qualities that are just as important as tasting delicious.

    You'll be able to do this.

    Also - if you're craving the carbonation - sparkling water will give you flavor, fizzy's and no calories.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    There are amazing people here who have lost over 300 lbs. It can happen. One day at a time.
  • ucalegon
    ucalegon Posts: 43 Member
    HI Mike! Fellow redditor here and long time user of, which I highly recommend. Feel free to add me if you'd like some support!
  • dwalt15110
    dwalt15110 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi Mike, Welcome! This is a great place to be. There are a lot of people who started out with food changes and doing Get Fit While You Sit, until they could actually do some walking without the pain. Congrats on giving up the soda. That's a tough one, but so worth it. I'm sending you a friend request. I am on here every day and am very supportive of my friends. Accept it, if you wish. I tell everyone that I am the old person here.
  • Hi Mike my name is Mary. I've only been on MFP for less than a month but already I am feeling better. Logging in all your food helps to keep you aware of what you're really eating - you know a cookie here a pepsi there it all adds up. I just wanted to say don't become discouraged - I have been very thin and very fat but you just have to decide you want to do it. I too have trouble exercising my advise would be take short walks a few times a day. I try to go out and walk for 15 minutes at least 3 times everyday. Also google chair aerobics there are some really good exercises you could doing sitting to reduce the stress on your legs (doing them myself they are great). Good luck and hang in there I am cheering for you.
  • Hi Mike, I'm new here as well I have been involved in the fitness field for almost 18years. I have a lil starter food plan for you. Please try this for 2 weeks and let me know how you do and I will also try to send some workout for you to help. I hope I can change your idea of how you are now and know only you can change you.
    Here it is have a good week talk soon!

    30 Day meal Plan
    (No Bread, Rice, White Potatoes, and Pasta)
    1. Breakfast
    2 Whole Eggs either scrambled or 3 Egg whites Option#2 Egg White Veggie Omelet plus Fresh Fruit (Mixed 1 cup) or Banana, Apple, Orange
    Option#3 Morning Smoothie

    2. Snack(Morning)
    Greek Yogurt any Flavor (sugar no more than 20grms) W/Breakfast Bar
    3. Lunch
    Kale, or Spinach salad any additions (no croutons) Meat (Chicken Grilled, or Tuna Fish
    Option#2 Grilled Meat (any Choice, w/mixed steamed veggies, or 1Sweet Potatoes

    4. Snack(Afternoon + Pre-Workout)
    ½ Chicken Breast wrapped in lettuce wrap, Apricot/Nut Mixed ½ sandwich bag
    5. Dinner
    Fresh/Frozen Grilled or baked fish, w/ Salad and Quinoa

    Option#2 Grilled or baked Steak, or Shrimp (lite Sauce) W/veggies (asparagus, peas, broccoli, Cauliflower)

    Dressings: Salad (all under 20grams sugar, Sodium170mg). Lite Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce, Ketchup, Mustard
    Drinks: WATER 4 12oz Glasses a day. Other: 2 Glasses Red Wine per Week Maximum. All fruit juices should be juiced. No Juice over 30grams sugar. NO SODA, NO BEER, NO other Alcohol Beverages(Mixed Drinks, Cognac,
    Desserts: Sorbet (sugar under 30grms) 1 day of Choice per week. 2 oatmeal/raisin Cookies per week (no other cookie) Always Fresh Fruit (Unlimited) Watermelon, Kiwi are Great choice (your decision)

    After 30days (WE) will Re-*kitten* Weight Goals.
  • kkay3182
    kkay3182 Posts: 90 Member
    Welcome Mike, baby steps in the right direction add up overtime. With a little effort and the desire you will accomplish your goal. weightloss for me at least has been hard and the progress slow. I slip up all the time but reminding myself that I took my whole life thus far to get to this size, makes me feel like if I dedicate a few years if necessary to lose the weight and make myself healthy then it is worth it. The people here are awesome, so if your desire is to become healthier you are in pretty good company!
  • Paula723
    Paula723 Posts: 1 Member
    Also walking in a swimming pool will help until you lose some weight and your ankles get stronger. Hang in there!
  • LaurLaur242
    LaurLaur242 Posts: 10 Member
    I wish you great success! This has been a good place to be accountable for what you eat and how much you move. It's definitely kept me on track without becoming obsessed with it.
    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I recently started on MFP and only have a few friends, but they it's nice to be supportive by people who understand. You can do this :happy:

  • lotr4000
    lotr4000 Posts: 25 Member

    This. A million times this.
    Drop a bunch of holy-****-I-lost-a-crapload-of-weight-eating-bacon poundage, and make that exercise easier on yourself. :)

    You can do it. With Keto, the weight just keeps dropping until you hit your goal weight. It gets slower the closer you are, but at your current weight you will see massive motivating weight loss, for sure. Just keep your carbs under 20g per day, and you're in!

    I'd wish you luck, but you don't need it. You're here, you'll do it, and by this time next year you'll be a completely different person.

    I believe in you~!
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Welcome Mike! This is a great site for motivation! Walking is an excellent way to start! :smile:
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    Mike! My new friend! Do not do keto (extreme) and do not do all that cutting carbs out thing that guy who just joined suggested. Losing weight doesn't mean cutting anything out, it just means being more aware of what you're putting in and knowing what your body burns (approximately) daily and then eating under that :) And making sure you stay hydrated so water retention doesn't occur.

    I'm not saying keep eating crap (I was hooked on ready meals six months ago) but you do NOT need to do anything crazy or cut things out completely (unless they're like crazy unhealthy restaurant food that comes in at ridiculously high numbers).

    The forums will give you all kinds of suggestions - make sure you take them with a pinch of salt, if you take them at all :) Although everyone's totally right about the pool stuff - keep it low impact until your feet improve!
  • Welcome! I just joined MFP yesterday, so I'm completely new here, too. Feel free to add me, and I sure wish you all the best on your weight loss and fitness journey! I'm sure you'll do wonderfully with all the great people here supporting you. :)
  • afk1
    afk1 Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome to is a great place to come for motivation and support. You can count me in as a takes time to put the weight on and time to take it patient, take it slow. I have found that writing it all down makes me be more responsible and writing thoughts down when you can, allows us to look back see why it was a good or bad day.....what was going on, what we ate.....Good luck to you.....I promise I will be watching to see how you are doing.....feel free to do the same with me.......:smile:
  • atreides42
    atreides42 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello Mike!
    I myself am working to lose 100 lbs.
    The people here are great.
    Put any advice for extreme or fad diets out the window!
    Set your activity level and weight in MFP then simply eat at or less than the goals.
    Until I started logging my food with MFP I really had no idea how much I was eating.
    You'll do great!
  • srd_23
    srd_23 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Mike! My name is Sarah, and I feel your pain. I have a sedentary job as well (reporting analyst), and I have a 2-5 hour commute depending on traffic. I can spend up to 15 hours on my butt each day! I am in the mid 200s at 5'3, and I only started dieting and excercising 3 weeks ago. I went from zero excercise to walking for an hour a day.

    At first, it was fine. Now, however I am noticing a lot of pain in my knees, along with creaking, cracking, and all around unpleasant crunchy noises coming from that area. 2 days ago I started on the elliptical as I read its much more gentle on your joints. I'm already feeling some relief! I know you are probably feeling much more intense pain than I was, but I would see about looking for cardio options that avoid putting so much weight on your joints. Commercial models of ellipticals can usually handle between 250 and 400 lbs, so that may be a good option for you. Swimming is also an excellent form of cardio that puts almost no stress on your joints at all. I have a membership at the YMCA, and they offer a pool as well as a large cardio and weight room. You can also probably find gyms that offer the same or better facilities.

    As for dieting, my recommendation is to not starve yourself. It will only make you miserable, and setting such strict calorie goals can be very discouraging if and when you exceed your limit. I've found that if you just make some healthy substitutions you can loose weight without feeling like you are starving. Replace soda with an alternative like zip fizz or even mio. Iced tea is a great source of caffeine, so is green tea, or even coffee with some vanilla soy milk. Instead of breakfast sandwhiches I eat scrambled egg whites, high protein oat meal, and/or light vanilla yogurt. Instead of yummy thai food I have sushi, which is still a great taste but is healthy. Dinners I just try to minimize the carbs. I don't cut anything out completely, I just lower the portions or substitute. Yesterday I had blackberry pie for breakfast and still came in under my recommended calorie limit.

    Its such a difficult process, but stay motivated and keep at it. I know you can do it!

  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    Mike you can do this! Move when you can and for as long as you can. I think giving up soda and tracking how much you eat is a huge step toward making healthy changes. Feel free to add me as a friend. I can't say enough about the support I have received from MFP friends as I work toward my goal.
  • Jen_1964
    Jen_1964 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Mike,

    I am new here as well, under a month and have been lurking around myself. I started off at 357 pounds and like you have had to take it very slow due to joint, foot and ankle pain. I have made it up to 15 mins on a treadmill and push for an extra minute each day of use. I try to go every other day. I am also seeking accountability friends. I would love to cheer you on and maybe you could help me and others out as well.

    **I know my picture is side ways, couldn't figure out how to make it land right. The original is right, but when I upload it it is sideways!** Oh well.....progress, not perfection!

    You can do this! One day at a time!

  • Hello Mike!!!

    I sent you a request. :)

    I am in a very similar situation as you are. I'm a bit older, 37, but I'm a 5 foot 9 inch female and I have a lot of weight to lose myself. I started out at 414 pounds. God that sounds terrible when you say it and see it in type. How did I ever let myself get that way? Unhealthy habits! That is how.

    I'm down to 389 right now. I've been only focusing on food and just now starting to exercise as of August 1st. I started May 1st. I've tried it all. I've tried Atkins and while I lost a lot of weight fast as soon as I stopped I out it back on plus another 10-40 pounds depending which time I did atkins. Atkins is a very nasty cycle. Fast loss but as soon as you go off it out of maintenance phase you gain it back. I've lost a lot and gained a lot with atkins. It is no longer my friend haha.

    I've found the best way is for the right way. Watch calories and try to do a little exercise. As for the walking.... I have found Asics to have the best support for us biggest folks. I never thought a brand mattered much. Until I found them. Most beans don't get better as you go up in cost. They just get pricier. Asics actually go up in comfort and support as you go up in cost. I have 8 pairs of them now. Different styles. Like I said, they're the best I've found for heavy folks. Gel Cumulus are a good cushy and supportive style they make. I on,y have one pair of their most expensive brand but the shock support is WELL worth it. They retail for $200 but you can find a bargain on amazon or ebay or ASIC outlet stores. They are style Kinsei 5 .... 4 was good too but no longer made. My shins and legs kill me. But my shoes really make a difference. If you want to know other styles or anything just ask me. I'm fairly knowledgable with them. (No I don't work for Asics either lol)

    In the past 3 months I have learned to spread my meals out throughout the day and eat more. I was a starve myself then eat one big meal at night. It's taken me 3 months to make this a habit to constantly eat. In that 3 months I lost 25 pounds. However, even still after 3 months of empty new "habit" if I don't carefully watch myself I could easily slip right back into my old ways. I get busy and I forget to eat. Then by time I realize I'm hungry it was 3pm and I figured why eat now cause dinner is in a few hours lol.

    I'm struggling every day with my own demons, we all have them. I'm not an emotional eater or a bored eater. I only drink water by the tons a day or tea and if I sweeten it I use liquid Kal brand stevia.

    I read you have issues with the caffeine in the morning and drink black tea. Here's a helpful hint..... Add a Mate tea in with your black tea or just make Mate tea instead. It has as much caffeine as coffee!!! :) you can get them flavored in lots of favors.

    I have been weighing everything and scanning every box code on my healthy choice meals or lean cuisines. Sometimes I'll add a garden salad to dress up my box meal.

    The best thing I can give you as advice is if you want something eat it, example pizza, just don't eat the whole pizza. Have one slice with a salad and some fruit. You can still have everything you love, just in moderation.

    I know I have only lost 25 pounds like this ... But this is the longest I've stuck anything out and I have made it a slow and steady life change. It took me 37 years to get here. It won't be an overnight change. It will take me years, but I'm going to be much happier and healthier. I already am much happier with just my small changes.

    Please accept my request and we can motivate each other. I'd love to be your diet buddy!!!!

    PS my name is Lynn .... Nice to meet you,
  • Gametris
    Gametris Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Mike! Your story is much like my own I am also 6 ft. I work with computers and spend a lot of time at a desk and at my heaviest I was 410. Honestly, if it hurts to much to exercise I would refrain from it until you're a lighter weight. Don't try to do anything extreme when it comes to your intake or you'll stall out because your body tries to horde its nutrient. I went to a nutritionist and she told me to set myfitnesspal settings to manual and set custom settings for dietary intake. 2000 Calories per day, a total intake of 230 grams of Carbs, 124 grams of Protein, 65 grams of Fat, 20 grams of Saturated Fat, and 2300 mg of Sodium. At your current weight your metabolism is very high you will find you lose weight just by sleeping and eating right. Once you start to slow down with the weight loss and your joint issues subside try some strength training. I've been doing this for almost a month now and I've lost 30 pounds with no exercise.

    Think of losing weight as a troubleshooting process when working with a computer. You might not find the issue immediately and be able to fix it. This is a process that will take a lot of effort but you can do it!