Any Other Women Going Through the Dreaded "Change?"

I love all the great support here, and I've found many kindred souls. I know there are others here in my age group struggling to get rid of that dreaded middle age weight gain, but how about ladies going through that miserable time known as the "change of life?" Yeah, it's a change all right! I hate the hot flashes and erratic hormones that transform me into someone who makes Dana as Zuul look like a loveable hug-monster. The occasional flashes of anxiety, cravings, and even zits (yeah, thought I was done with those long ago) have made this an interesting time of change for sure. I turn 50 this fall, so I hope it will wind down soon, but I'd love to connect with others going through this physically challenging time.


  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Have been through the change. Add me if would like....Have a great night!
  • esthergrub
    esthergrub Posts: 12 Member
    Been there, done that, and am happy to say I survived to make it through to the other side. Gained about 20 lbs at the start of perimenopause, lost most of it, then gained 10 back that Would Not Budge. Fast forward a couple years, and at three years out I'm now down 22 lbs from 10 gain-back amount. In other words, I'm leaner now than I ever was, even in my 20s and 30s. Happy to share my diary with friends.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I'm 50. Don't know if I'm having any symptoms. Happened to my mom at 56, so I may have a few years left.

    I started treatment for thyroid disease about a year ago so it is hard for me to discern if I have had any symptoms because I tend to attribute any mysterious health problems to my thyroid being whacked.
  • Yes, I just started going through it, I am 50. Hot flashes and bloatness, some months I get the menses some months I don't. Sometimes I get dizzy. I will be glad when it is over with and gone for good.
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    I don't remember how long ago it started for me, but the damned hot flashes just won't quit. And of course they die down in the winter when I might welcome them, and come back with a vengeance in the summer.

    We won't even get started on the menopot! Which was assisted by quitting smoking, new "food friendly" office job and stress eating from a divorce and caring for my elderly mother (I need to see if we have a group of "sandwich generation" folks on MFP to join to commiserate on the fun in geriatric care)

    I will say that the mood swings, the crankiness, the heart palpitations have subsided, so perhaps the hot flashes are just the last symptom to endure, and hopefully for not much longer. My teenage daughter laughs when she sees me fanning and blotting and says "another private summer moment?".
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I am potentially going through an early menopause at the young age of 39. Not had a period since start of February and have had the most atrocious mood swings ever known to mankind. It is an unpleasant experience. I have also felt considerably more tired than usual.
  • gail1961
    gail1961 Posts: 111 Member
    I feel your pain. Just turned 53. I started getting symptoms right when I hit 50. Yes, weight loss is hard but not impossible. I gained 6 pounds a year 50-52 for a total of 12. I'm only 5'2" so it seemed like more. Last fall I had to buy new clothes because mine no longer fit. When that happened I said that's it. By next fall these clothes won't fit and I will fit back into my "old" clothes. Well, the bigger clothes are in a box ready to be donated! I had to work out 4-5 times a week and log 1200 calories a day. The first few weeks NOTHING.... by week 8 I was down only 3 pounds! Then it clicked! Week 10 down 7.3. I would go up a little then down even more. By week 20 down another 6 and Goal met! I lost a couple more and am at my lowest. Hang in there. You can do it. Message me if you have questions or need support.
  • The "Change" is in my rear view mirror. I worried about it and I was very sad that a part of my life was finished. The big surprise is that life on the other side is better than ever. Yeah, there are wrinkles and gray hair but you don't need to go down that road. As god is my witness, I will never have a gray hair (pardon me , Scarlett O'Hara). Wrinkles can be mitigated by a good moisurizer. The best part is that your eyesight is not as sharp so you don't really see them.

    A lot is in your attitude. Stay positive. My Mom used to say that looking out through her eyes, she didn't see any wrinkles.

    I love myself more and worry less than at any other time of my life
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Awwwww ....... been there & done that .......

    I survived by staying away from anything with sugar ....... and booze ....... they both triggered hot flashes :sad:

    Wore only cotton ....... anything synthetic suffocated me ...... (still does)

    Would often sleep in the spare room with the fan & air conditioning blowing on me ....... hubby could visit me if he chose :wink:

    And sometimes, no matter what, you are gonna SNARL at people ...... try counting to 100 before speaking ...... go for a long walk ...... or lock yourself in the bathroom ......

    Apologize !

    Ask people to help you with chores ...... it's too overwhelming to manage by yourself.

    Showers are great places for pity-parties !

    Don't be afraid to take a nap ..... or two :yawn:

    Drink lots of water, eat healthy & get in a workout each day to help stay on an even keel .....

    Good luck !
  • IamMCM
    IamMCM Posts: 122
    The one good thing about all this is that, while I've got the physical crazies going on, it's a very exciting time in all other areas of my life. I just started a new job and am building a new house that will hopefully close next month, so it feels like a great new phase rather than an "it's all downhill from here" sort of slide. It would be pretty much perfect if it weren't for this hormone-induced bodily insanity. At least I can use my age as a way to inspire myself to get rid of those pounds and get fit. I've got a vintage body now, so it needs a little more care and maintenance.
  • parsonsk64
    parsonsk64 Posts: 75 Member
    BUMP. Starting to suspect I may be hitting that special time of life. Just turned 50. Recognize a few of the symptoms from other comments. Are my temper bursts related to "M" or was my daughter really just that irritating? And I have felt some temperature swings but always attributed them to something circumstantial. Appreciate reading this thread. Good luck OP, and feel free to add me as a friend. We may have quite a bit in common! I'm attempting to go from my SW of 157 to 137 - or somewhere around there where my body looks and feels good. Good luck!
  • gail1961
    gail1961 Posts: 111 Member
    Night sweats and zits!!! Ughhhh..... I get a big red zit in the same place on the right side of my chin.
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    I went into menopause when I was 38. I still get the hot flashes, and yes alcohol makes it worse. Also any warm beverages and especially when I go to bed, the flashes usually are the worse. I'm 55 now, so I have learned to live with my flashes, but hope they will get better when I get this weight off. The weight is harder to take off and I have to cut my calories down and watch my carbs to make it happen.
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    Night sweats and zits!!! Ughhhh..... I get a big red zit in the same place on the right side of my chin.

    I got them for years also, chin was the worst - In the past two years, no more zits, so there is an end to that, just wanted to give you some hope!
  • IamMCM
    IamMCM Posts: 122
    What is it about the chin? That's where my current zit is too!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I think I am starting, but I'm not sure lol!
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,230 Member
    Me! Me! Pick me! :tongue:

    Although to be fair, my weight gain crept up slowly over about 10 years so can't really blame menopause.

    I am 51 now. Periods haven't stopped altogether yet but certainly less regular and lighter over last few months so I think this is it, the big M :wink:

    Fortunately haven't had any difficult symptoms - some night flushes/ hot sweats but nothing unmanageable.
  • I have been going through the change since I was 27yrs old and I will be 66yrs old next month..(due to a partial Hysto) I still have my ovaries that really lack and have since the surgery..

    The last 10 yrs have been the worse so you can say anything before that was pari-menopause.

    I do the night sweats well, changing night gowns nightly and my extra stash of pillows lay in wait every night. Mood swings and my once a month food binge are like clock work.

    All in all, I just get through them and have learned that it is all part of the female condition. I don't do hormone replacements, but I do have a frozen washcloth in the freezer for the really bad hot flashes...the end is in sight and I can do this.

    I love my age really, but taking the pounds off is just difficult if I let it be...Hang in there and be kind to yourself...
  • I am 55 years old and going through menopause full blast. That is the primary reason I've finally decided to do something about the weight I've packed on. It is making the symptoms worse. I've had a period once every 3-4 months for a year and half..but that 1 period is equal to 3. Hot flashes, night sweats, irrational mood swings, heavy periods, kids are avoiding me. I went to the doctor this week and was told this is all normal. I would love to get a support group going. This is crazy.
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    I am 55 years old and going through menopause full blast. That is the primary reason I've finally decided to do something about the weight I've packed on. It is making the symptoms worse. I've had a period once every 3-4 months for a year and half..but that 1 period is equal to 3. Hot flashes, night sweats, irrational mood swings, heavy periods, kids are avoiding me. I went to the doctor this week and was told this is all normal. I would love to get a support group going. This is crazy.

    I usually go to the forums on this site for health related issues, there are a bunch of different groups: