should i stay on my vegan diet to lose weight?

Hello! I have been on a vegan diet for five months now and i have been plateauing for 2 months. I tried upping my exercise and lowering my calorie intake and only eating fresh fruits and vegetables with some whole grains and staying around a 1200 calorie diet. I am not sure if i should stop being vegan to help with my weightloss. Would i lose more if i had lean meats and eggs etc. to keep me full longer than fruit and vegetables? i really want to lose another 40 or so pounds... i lost 54 so far this year. If anyone has any tips for weightloss diet plans then that would be much appreciated!!! (by the way i take vitamins like a daily one and B-12 so i am getting nutrients on my vegan diet) Thanks :)


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You've lost 54 so far this year? That's 54 pounds in 24 weeks (since you hit a plateau 2 months ago) or more than two pounds a week. Plateaus are fairly normal especially with rapid weight loss.

    Open your food diary so that we can get a better idea of how you've been eating.

    ETA: Vegan isn't necessarily healthier or vital for weight loss. If you like meat then eat it.
  • MaidensAndMonsters
    I think that veganism is more of a personal choice and less has to do with weight loss....there are healthy and unhealthy ways to eat Vegan. If you want to remain Vegan, choose the healthier foods and make sure you are in a caloric deficit. Your body may just be taking a break to calibrate- but trust the process and congrats on your loss thus far.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Are you getting enough protein?
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    You've lost 54 so far this year? That's 54 pounds in 24 weeks (since you hit a plateau 2 months ago) or more than two pounds a week. Plateaus are fairly normal especially with rapid weight loss.

    Open your food diary so that we can get a better idea of how you've been eating.

    ETA: Vegan isn't necessarily healthier or vital for weight loss. If you like meat then eat it.

    "If you like meat then eat it".
    Lol you don't know the meaning of being vegan. I loved the taste of meat. That had nothing to do with me giving it up. I have it up because of the way the animals were being treated, being pumped full of hormones, and being downright abused, and also because it's been proved to give the body major health benefits. Think before you post.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You've lost 54 so far this year? That's 54 pounds in 24 weeks (since you hit a plateau 2 months ago) or more than two pounds a week. Plateaus are fairly normal especially with rapid weight loss.

    Open your food diary so that we can get a better idea of how you've been eating.

    ETA: Vegan isn't necessarily healthier or vital for weight loss. If you like meat then eat it.

    "If you like meat then eat it".
    Lol you don't know the meaning of being vegan. I loved the taste of meat. That had nothing to do with me giving it up. I have it up because of the way the animals were being treated, being pumped full of hormones, and being downright abused, and also because it's been proved to give the body major health benefits. Think before you post.

    There are plenty of vegans who just do it because they think it's vital for fat loss. I am far from ignorant on what being vegan means. Not all vegans have selected that lifestyle because of their love of animals. I did think before I posted. The OP was willing to go back to eating meat to lose weight. My vegan friends wouldn't go back to eating meat if it was vital to save their life, they would rather die.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    You've lost 54 so far this year? That's 54 pounds in 24 weeks (since you hit a plateau 2 months ago) or more than two pounds a week. Plateaus are fairly normal especially with rapid weight loss.

    Open your food diary so that we can get a better idea of how you've been eating.

    ETA: Vegan isn't necessarily healthier or vital for weight loss. If you like meat then eat it.

    "If you like meat then eat it".
    Lol you don't know the meaning of being vegan. I loved the taste of meat. That had nothing to do with me giving it up. I have it up because of the way the animals were being treated, being pumped full of hormones, and being downright abused, and also because it's been proved to give the body major health benefits. Think before you post.

    The fact that the OP says
    I am not sure if i should stop being vegan to help with my weightloss. Would i lose more if i had lean meats and eggs etc. to keep me full longer than fruit and vegetables?

    indicates that this person is not necessarily wedded to the vegan lifestyle for moral reasons, otherwise they wouldn't be asking that, would they?

    Read before you post.
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    You've lost 54 so far this year? That's 54 pounds in 24 weeks (since you hit a plateau 2 months ago) or more than two pounds a week. Plateaus are fairly normal especially with rapid weight loss.

    Open your food diary so that we can get a better idea of how you've been eating.

    ETA: Vegan isn't necessarily healthier or vital for weight loss. If you like meat then eat it.

    "If you like meat then eat it".
    Lol you don't know the meaning of being vegan. I loved the taste of meat. That had nothing to do with me giving it up. I have it up because of the way the animals were being treated, being pumped full of hormones, and being downright abused, and also because it's been proved to give the body major health benefits. Think before you post.
    Actually, you should think before YOU post.

    OP didn't say anything about be vegan for ethical reasons. She only spoke about it in regards to weight loss. uscmp's response is still valid.
  • riirii93_
    riirii93_ Posts: 475 Member
    You've lost 54 so far this year? That's 54 pounds in 24 weeks (since you hit a plateau 2 months ago) or more than two pounds a week. Plateaus are fairly normal especially with rapid weight loss.

    Open your food diary so that we can get a better idea of how you've been eating.

    ETA: Vegan isn't necessarily healthier or vital for weight loss. If you like meat then eat it.

    "If you like meat then eat it".
    Lol you don't know the meaning of being vegan. I loved the taste of meat. That had nothing to do with me giving it up. I have it up because of the way the animals were being treated, being pumped full of hormones, and being downright abused, and also because it's been proved to give the body major health benefits. Think before you post.

    I think you may have misunderstood the post. They were only saying that eating meat will not make you gain or lose weight. You can gain or lose weight on a vegan or non-vegan diet. If you are asking if you should stay vegan to lose weight it makes it look like you're only vegan because you think it will make you lose weight/be healthier. If you're a vegan for moral reasons you wouldn't even consider going off vegan imo.
  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    You've lost 54 so far this year? That's 54 pounds in 24 weeks (since you hit a plateau 2 months ago) or more than two pounds a week. Plateaus are fairly normal especially with rapid weight loss.

    Open your food diary so that we can get a better idea of how you've been eating.

    ETA: Vegan isn't necessarily healthier or vital for weight loss. If you like meat then eat it.

    "If you like meat then eat it".
    Lol you don't know the meaning of being vegan. I loved the taste of meat. That had nothing to do with me giving it up. I have it up because of the way the animals were being treated, being pumped full of hormones, and being downright abused, and also because it's been proved to give the body major health benefits. Think before you post.
    Actually, you should think before YOU post.

    OP didn't say anything about be vegan for ethical reasons. She only spoke about it in regards to weight loss. uscmp's response is still valid.

    Sorry, I read your post out of context and it offended me. My apologies.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Are you healthy on your vegan diet? If yes then why change? If no then you have to change something.