Lifting Alone.... Help!

So this is the part where I stop pretending to know everything and beg for advice from those with more knowledge than yours truely!

Back in high school (I'm in college now), I was on the volleyball and basketball teams. We had manditory weight lifting with the teams 4 days a week, year round except for a few weeks in the summer). We busted our tails and lifted what I consider to be somewhat heavy weights. I could backsquat 220, bench 140, hang clean 165, ect..... and I loved it because it was competitive and there was always somewhere there instructing us on how to properly complete the moves and making sure we had a well rounded workout. I felt strong and had legs and a booty to kill for.... just saying.

That was several years back though. After I left the teams, I started putting on weight and lost my muscle mass (obviously). It never occured to me that you cannot eat like a teenage athlete when you no longer practice 3-5 hours a day!

About 4 months ago, I started running. I am running a 10K next month and have a half-marathon on the books in February... I feel like a rock star! The weight is starting to come off and I feel like the athlete I always knew I was again, but I miss the satisfaction I got from weight lifting! I miss the fight and grunting of max-out day and the sore muscles that tell me I worked hard!

Our school has a great gym, but I don't have the money for a personal trainer or cross-fit. I know how to do the motions properly to keep from hurting my knees or back, but I have NO IDEA how to create a workout plan. Every time I try to get started, I end up wandering around like a lost puppy, getting embarrassed, and leaving. I don't even know where to start! So is there anyone out there who has suggestions for an ex-lifter who wants back in? Thanks!


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
  • DisneyCowgirl23
    That looks perfect! Thank you so much!
  • Smirnoff65
    Smirnoff65 Posts: 1,060 Member
    If you want to add a bit more do the Ice Cream Fitness 5x5 program, same as stronglifts but a bit more
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Both Stronglifts and Starting Strength are rock-solid programs for beginning (or detrained) lifters. I've been doing SS and have watched with amazement as I've cracked a 1RM squat for 150% of my body weight... at twice your age.

    Read the program (or for SS, the book) and go to town on the program.