Night shift worker

Alright just wanted to know if theres any night time worker here like me and on what time do you eat when transitionning day/night and night/day because when you have 2 or 3 day off you don't live like a vampire... we actually get up in the sunlight

so when this period happens food/sleep gets all f*cked up either you don't sleep enough, or too much
and food time too

what i do on night day transition

midnight : dinner
5 am supper
9-3 sleep
6 pm meal
11pm go to sleep if it works XD

day night transition
3 meal at regular hour for the day
6pm -10pm sleep
midnight dinner
5:am supper
9am to 5 pm sleep
6pm breakfast

so i get 3 meal per day including snacks and a relatively good amount of sleep...


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Try using the Search feature for previous threads on this topic. Use terms like "graveyard" or "night".