Non-dairy alternatives to fat-free Greek yoghurt?

aethre Posts: 150 Member
I've been trying hard to settle on healthy breakfasts while trying to lose weight & increase the amount of protein I take in.

My favourite breakfast is fat-free Greek yoghurt and fruit... (100g yoghurt, 80g each of two fruits) good in nutrients, high protein from the yoghurt, doesn't take carbs away from my dinner, delicious and satisfying. Great!

...except I have a mild dairy allergy. Boooooo! It doesn't generally have a noticeable effect if I'm eating as I used to eat, but having a dairy product with my breakfast every day seems to build it up in my system and after 5-7 days I feel ill. It gives me weird hayfever-like symptoms - constant sneezing, itchy nose and mouth, streaming nose and a sore throat that antihistamines don't shift - you don't really want to be in the gym in that condition!

I've tried natural soya yoghurt but it's got like half the protein by weight and frankly it tastes awful. I have to mix vanilla essence in to it and it's not something I look forward to eating in the morning... I'm really struggling to find something else I enjoy!

Has anybody got any ideas of what else I could put with the fruit, or alternative breakfast ideas with a similar nutritional content?


  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    Not sure where you're located, but here in the US there is a brand called So Delicious- it's all products made with coconut milk. Completely dairy free.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Do you have access to pea protein yoghurt or almond yogurt?
  • _Clarana_
    _Clarana_ Posts: 73 Member
    Plain soy yoghurt by alpro- delcious, thick and creamy and less addictive than the dairy ones.
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    Should have clarified, sorry - I'm in a fairly rural part of Scotland so I don't have the same access to certain products that some people might. I'll be in town at the weekend so I was thinking I'd find out if there was anything I could check out. ^_^

    I've managed to get my hands on some Alpro yoghurt rather than the own brand 'bleugh' stuff I had so I'll give that a try tomorrow - thanks anamonacc! Coconut milk yoghurt sounds amazing, I'll keep an eye out if there's anything similar over here.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I have a very similar issue with dairy. Coconut milk yogurt tends to be high in fat and almond yogurt is almost all carbs. The most similar macronutrient values would be soy yogurt. You may have to try different brands to find one you like. If available where you are, I like Stonyfield's O'Soy line, the Whole Soy brand, and Trader Joe's soy yogurts. Also, the So Delicious brand makes faux Greek yogurts, although I'm not really a fan.

    On a macronutrient level, it sounds like you're looking for high protein with some carbs and no fat. An egg white omelette with veggies would also do the trick. However, you may benefit from adding some healthy fats to your breakfast - they help you metabolize the nutrients from your fruits/veggies! You could sprinkle some nuts onto your yogurt or use some olive oil or egg yolk in your omelette.
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    Thanks, Ginger Lolita - I'm not specifically looking for low-fat options, but I am trying to increase my protein intake and I chose the fat-free Greek yoghurt because it has higher protein content. I found it did seem to keep me from morning snacking, as well. I'd been supplementing with a portion of cheese to provide a fat element. (I love my cheese!)

    Omelette could be a great idea, actually - I tend to think of it as a lunch dish so it didn't occur to me to try it for breakfast ^_^ I'll give that a try if the soya yoghurt doesn't cut it.