Water advice - I'm drowning

Ian_Davies Posts: 122 Member
Hi everyone

I'm taking this slow so this becomes part of a lifestyle change rather than a short term phase. While I have been adjusting things slowly (dropped 3kg with 9kg to go) I am now keen to get a little more accurate so this weeks focus is water and there is way too much info out there.

I should say my primary goals are to drop 9kg and reduce body fat.

Step one - cut out liquid calories
I have already cut out all liquid calories (juices and hot chocolate) so now only drink cold water, room temp water, hot water with lemon, green tea and sometimes a black coffee in meetings.

I'm not sure which one is best as some say drinking room temp water is better than cold..

Step two - quantity
I want to try to make sure I drink enough but various sites refer to 1 or 2 litres a day. What works best for everyone?

I am conscious I typically drink a lot, I can easily do 2 litres a day but am not sure how to record it on the water consumption section as it refers to cups and in the UK cups are 280ish ml but the bottle i carry holds 500ml. Does recording the water consumption have any impact on the MFP site or is it just for record. If i have a green tea it goes in the food list so it doesnt become a true reflection of what I am drinking. How do you keep track of this and is there a right about to drink as i read you can stress the body with too much water.

Sorry if i'm over thinking this, i want to make sure i am flushing my system of toxins and making sure i am helping my digestion work effectively to improve my chances of weight loss.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I've never seen 1 litre advised and go by 2 to 3 litres daily personally

    It doesn't matter how you drink it really although coffee is a mild diuretic

    I keep a bottle of fizzy water (2 litres) on my desk and look to drink that during an 8 hour work day ...plus coffees, teas and anything else I drink

    Eta but I don't log any drinks anywhere
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    I log all my water and work on the assumption 1 cup = 250ml, therefore a 500ml bottle is 2 cups.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Q1) Cold or room temperature is up to you. Your body doesn't need to work as hard to keep your core temperature regulated with room temperature water so it is less stress on the body but it's not worth getting paranoid over.

    Q2) It's fluid intake rather than water intake which you need to watch out for as well as electrolyte balance (and too much water can mess with that...)

    If you eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit per day as well as other drinks containing water then 1 litre or so should be enough, otherwise a bit more. Check the colour of your urine as an easy test to see how well hydrated you are - if it is dark get more fluids.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    logging or not logging water makes no difference to MFP.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I drink 7-8 cups of water per day -- much less than you are drinking.

    The green tea counts as liquid. You can count it with your calories as well if you want to.
    Cold or hot -- that is your preference.

    By the way there is no science that says we have to drink so much water.
    Someone made it up and everyone keeps repeating it -- but repetition does not make it true.

  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    It's just a record, I drink loads of water throughout the day at work but I never bother recording it. I don't record herbal tea or diet coke either, only drinks with calories like tea/coffee with milk, coconut water etc. I tend to drink about 2-2.5 litres of water during the day, plus whatever extra I drink at the gym, on top of other drinks.

    For my first few days on MFP I did try to record water but I was getting confused about the US cup thing too, and then I would lose count of how many times I'd refilled my water bottle or glass at work, then thought "s*d it" - as long as I know I'm drinking plenty, why do I need to record it? I'm sure I'll get called out on it if I ever ask for help with my diary on the forums, but hey.

    I really don't think there's a magic water temp for weight loss, just whatever your personal preference is.
  • Ian_Davies
    Ian_Davies Posts: 122 Member
    Thank you so much everyone, lots of really helpful advice.

    I think I'm probably over thinking so will aim to just stick to a routine of 2 litres a day. I will drink more room temp water as i enjoy it more than iced and leave the rest to the odd evening green tea or meeting coffee and fruit and veg.

    Thanks everyone, really pleased to have found such a positive and helpful group. :)
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I drink on average 3x600ml Protein shakes + 2-3 cups of green tea. and milk in the tea and on cereals or my frittatta's
    so i try to get in 2.5Ltrs a day, that seems to be a sweet spot for regulating pee and keeping hydrated, can't always get that in and some days i feel more bloated lol.

    i don't count water content of foods, thats too hard to judge, just Milk, and obvious fluids.
  • ajnb88
    ajnb88 Posts: 339 Member
    I drink when I'm thirsty, but also have a bottle of water to hand so I'll drink it on the fly, even if not thirsty. It's almost become second nature now, and the other day managed to drink two litres before work, without even realising it..!
  • corehawk
    corehawk Posts: 41 Member
    It may help to track it if you don't get enough each day, but eventually you will just drink until you remain hydrated. A simple measure of your hydration is the color of your urine. If its dark, you need more water.
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    I'll be against the waves when I say don't log, and don't worry to much about it

    Drink Water when you wake up, before you go to work, with every meal, whenever you're going out, and whenever you're hungry. Whenever you're thirsty as well. It will come naturally in time.

    Don't drink lots of water at one point, all you'll do is go frequently to the toilet and you wouldn't have made good use of that water.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Sorry if i'm over thinking this, i want to make sure i am flushing my system of toxins and making sure i am helping my digestion work effectively to improve my chances of weight loss.
    Water has no effect on flushing toxins or weightloss. All the stuff about 8 glasses a day and some such have no basis in science (it was actually an advertising campaign from a mineral water company) and seem to forget that a 110 pound woman would require less than a 300 pound man. Also 75% of your food is made up of water. the best indicator for how much fluid to take in is thirst. It's a pretty good indicator and the best way more the majority of people. Try not to over think it.

    Also liquid calories aren't bad. If your goals are met and you want some liquid calories what's the problem. Smoothies are liquid calories. The best way to improve your chances of weighloss is log your food accurately and eat at a deficit. Hydration is important obviously but don't get to over worried about it
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    I don't think the OP meant liquid calories are bad, just that he wanted to save his calories for something to eat rather than "waste" them on a drink like hot chocolate.

    I choose not to "drink" my calories as well - except for some wine at the end of the day.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I don't bother logging water and I add squash to mine too!

    You can tell by your pee whether or not you're hydrated.
  • metalvegan
    metalvegan Posts: 133 Member
    Several times a week my water consumption is about 1 gallon (3.8 liters). Water is good for you. I'd advise sipping water even when you aren't thirsty

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I do log my water, only because I like to make sure I'm not slacking. I find that drinking lots of water helps with not retaining as much when I get carried away on the sodium. Additionally, as an LDO, the benefits of water as I hit presbyopia are humongous, (in other words, when your dehydrated, your vision sucks), so I tend to drink tons!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I've read to drink 1/2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight. I'm usually drinking around 96 ounces a day not counting my 2 cups of coffee and 1-2 diet sodas in the evening.
  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated.

    Try to go off the colour of your pee - if it's highlighter yellow you're not drinking enough but if it's completely clear you probably are having a bit too much as it's going straight through you and you're body isn't taking much from it.

    I tend to drink between 3-6 litres a day, depending on my workout.
  • knoelledi
    knoelledi Posts: 91 Member
    I have been told by trainers that you should be drinking half of your body weight in water. For example, if you weigh 200 lbs, you should be drinking 100oz a day. Rarely do I make my 1/2 body weight daily and especially when I exercise, I definitely feel dehydrated. It's just that I used to drink so much pop that it's taking me a while.
  • valkaree
    valkaree Posts: 519
    I am drinking about 5 liters every day. I have a .5 liter bottle and drink 10 a day. I don't track it, I go to the bathroom a lot but it sure helps me stay full.