trying to lose 25% of me.

Hello everyone. My name is Dennis.
I'm very new to dieting. I'm almost 39yrs old, with a bmi of 32.4 at this point.
I was looking for an app to help motivate me to stay on a healthy diet cause I'm Not a man of (good) habit and my metabolism I bet is pretty low.
MFP looks like very easy to use, with enough stats and info to keep me interested in what I put in, and keeping track of my progress.
First few days are showing me that I can stay on a 1430cal diet with about 350 calories burned in exercise daily.
I'm 3 days in. There are so many unknown factors that I still have to figure out.
My body is like a car i've been driving for 39 years and still have no clue how it works! I admit I'm very ignorant about how what i eat affects my energy, my mood, my health etc. But its time to change that.
I read somewhere it should be normal to end a meal feeling just a bit hungry (I normally never eat any less than 2+ servings of anything, and if I love the food, I won't stop until my stomach hurts) but I'd like to be able to do this without thinking of food all day long, and with enough energy to keep me focused on my work, (which requires a lot of thinking)
So one hurdle is to keep my meal sizes smaller without starving, another one is myself: Staying motivated for a prolonged period until some real results kick in and I feel better about staying on track, more energized etc.

So nice to meet you all, I hope I stay for the long run and be part of this wonderful community.