I'll be happy when I'm fit/shredded/skinny/whatever



  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    While I agree with this to an extent, I kind of feel like I do not fit the norm.

    I have been on MFP for a few years now. Back in 2011, I lost about 30 pounds with MFP. I didn't reach my goal weight, but I was happy with myself. I have ALWAYS struggled with my weight, so basically it weighs on me daily (no pun intended). It's really all I think about. When I'm in public, I'm always wondering who is staring at me? Who thinks I'm fat? Who is looking at my rolls?

    I know it's superficial, but it's the truth.

    So, for me, I KNOW I would be happier with myself if I reached my goal weight.

    Also, I should note I gained the weight I am trying to lose now through pregnancy. Like, a ton of weight. A TON OF IT.

    It won't solve your subconscious thoughts. I gained my weight from pregnancy, too. And those thoughts were mine.

    Then, after a few off handed comments about being anorexic and being too skinny (even though I'm currently bulking and no longer in weigh loss). I worried people thought these things of me. That I'm a fitness junkie or that my metabolism is superior and that's why I'm thin, that I don't have to work to be fit... I have over prominent rib bones at a healthy weight, my stomach and thighs are marred with stretch marks. I constantly picked myself apart, irregardless of my triumphs.

    Moral to the story: I dug my way out of my mental slump by realizing I was beautiful before and I am now. My goals aren't a cure all. I am proud of myself for what I've accomplished but when we start focusing on negatives, it becomes all we see. So, I urge you to focus on the great success you're accomplishing and not the goal. This is a lifetime we have before us and this is more than just about being fit etc.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Certainly not true for everyone. My weight is the only thing I'm unhappy about in my life. I'd settle for the world around me not judging me/devaluing me because of my weight, but since I can't have that, the weight needs to come off, or I'll be stalled in my career, despite being an expert in my field. I'm sick of not being taken seriously or being treated like I'm lazy or stupid.
  • BarbellApprentice
    BarbellApprentice Posts: 486 Member
    Great article. It is interesting to read the responses and see how people interpret the piece based on their own context.

    "No one gives a **** if you have abs." truth bullet