"Winter Blues" feeling tired and not wanting to exercise?


So I know I suffer from this in the winter if I don't go outside much (and with the new job I have I don't get a lot of sunlight right now) SO I have been tired and cranky and not wanting to do much of anything. If you are feeling that way, it may be the winter blues...maybe some of the suggestions on this page might help.

Have a great day! :)


  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Yeah - this is definitely a problem for me too! ::sigh::
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    Huge problem of mine right now, too :(
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    HUGE issue for me this week! Thanks.
  • JAGWIRE13579
    I think it's called SAD- seasonal effective disorder. I've heard if you get some full spectrum light bulbs, like plant grow lights. It's supposed to help if you spend time with them shining in you..
  • cindaroses
    I try to always be in the light...get your exercise done while there is still sun outside. It helps, but I still have those blues too.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member

    Ya’ll crazy for not loving the cold and dark season. I’m completely serious, it being darker earlier just makes it more comfortable to relax at home, the summer always seems so full of obligations and if you don’t use your day wisely you feel like you have waited it but the sun will rise again so what’s with the pressure? It being darker earlier at work means you can loose track of your day involved n your career which is great for us-career oriented people who have no kid-lits to rush home and pick up.

    I workout at home so no need to go out in the cold to the gym (although I am starting a bootcamp Dec 6 and a gym in January) but again, I put on a jacket and go, no biggie. Working out makes you feel good, warm chicken stir-fry with a bazillion veggies and brown rice feels good too and generating heat at night with your significant other to sleep soundly and comfortably in a 62 degree house (I keep it cool at night, 65 when we are home during the day) is awesome!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member

    I can't say it enough!
  • blh_1010
    blh_1010 Posts: 284 Member
    For all of those who posted, the article along with this post gives ideas on what you can do to help with the winter blues.

    For Heathersmilez: I'm glad that you love winter, so do I, but if you read the article you would see that it can cause some of us depression, and because we aren't out in the sunlight we can become sluggish and depressed. I suffer from those things when I can't be in the sun for a period of time during the day. Since I work all day and get up at 6a.m. and get home around 6p.m., I don't see the sun at all (the sun rises when I am on my way to work and the sun is set by the time I get home) I know that is the case for many people. So the article helps explain some ways for us who need that sunlight to feel a little more energitic or not so sluggish ideas on what to do to prevent SAD from happening. I am not saying I don't love this cold and dark season, I am just saying it makes me want to sit on the couch and eat food and sleep and not get up to exercise. I work out at home too, but for us who suffer from this, I have a hard time getting up to exercise at all. I know when I get home all I want to do is curl up on the couch and watch tv for an hour and go to bed. So that is why I posted this article, I know that a lot of people don't feel the same way and don't understand it, but others suffer from this too. I am glad you don't suffer from this but I posted this for people who do and need the motivation and support, hence why it is under this board topic, to succeed through it and keep up their weightloss goals and stay eating healthy. Even though I love winter and snow and the holiday season it takes a lot of effort to get off that couch and do anything but eat and sleep. It isn't that we are "crazy" it's that it's a medical condition that needs to be taken seriously and that with support and motivation we can all work through together.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I suffer from SADs, I did a paper on it in university because i couldn't handle it anymore...i did get an A but not a straight answer from my psych prof. She told me that i need to see my mom more because that's where i'm most comfortable lol...but my research from medical journals shows that most people are vitamin D deficient, so take a drop of vitamin D, or calcium with vitamin D AND magnesium in it to help with SADs. Also the lights you're talking about are just tanning lights...don't go fake and bake to turn yellow, go to get some Vitamin D and warmth in your bones, you don't need the highest setting, you just need to infuse your body for about 5-8 minutes. Wal-Mart also sells "happy lights"...you sit infront of these florescent lights for a half an hour the minute you get out of bed. It is best to infuse your body with light first thing in the morning so you can be happy all day instead of at night when you're just going to sleep. If it gets any worse, I'd look into prozac lol it's a serious depression that shouldn't be taken lightely...i haven't gone to prozac yet, i just sleep A LOT...good luck everyone!