My Dr Shut me down on The JM 30DS

mamastuck Posts: 131
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
So I broke my femur when I was 17 (start of my weight gain) and never really had to many problems. Then I started on this awesome new life. I do Leslie Sansones, pilates and yoga, and started the shred, every day. I also dance alot when Im bored or hungry. BUT I was sore, then really sore then one day I couldnt get out of bed. Off to the Dr and guess what NO MORE SHRED wah I loved the burn So I need a new burn that isnt so rough on the legs Please help. Also I got the distinct feeling my Physical Therapist very much dislike JM workouts. Am I missing something here?


  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    I'm no expert, but it seems to me you could do something else during the parts that impact your legs,
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    swimming is fantastic cardio for the whole body, and incredibly low impact. Stationary bikes and ellipticals can be lower impact too, but probably use sparingly with former leg injury
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I agree about swimming as a great cardio workout. What about using a rowing machine and a bike? I'm not sure how spinning would do for you but that is a phenomenally high calorie burning workout.

  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Kickboxing, “punching gets the heart rate up especially for those who have leg/knee problems”. Jillian says it herself in level 1 of the shred.

    My fav workout ever is Turbo Jam, been doing that for 4 years and it really helps lean you up, most notably in the upper body of course.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It's hard to be specific without more details about your physical limitations. You need to make sure your doctor is giving you a specific diagnosis and reasons for restricting you from certain activities.

    To be honest, if you are seeing a therapist, he or she should be the one you should be asking for advice on exercise activities that are appropriate for you. If the therapist doesn't know, or doesn't exercise, then I would look into finding a new therapist. It just makes more sense to avail yourself of the professional expertise that is right there.

    As for your comments re the therapist's perceived "dislike" for Jillian Michaels, I can only say that you will get a similar response from most knowledgeable fitness professionals. She is, at best, mediocre. I usually keep my opinions about her to myself because, for all of her faults, she does motivate a lot of people to work out and that's usually the most important thing. However, being forced to look for alternatives to 30DS is a blessing in disguise, IMO.
  • I'm no expert, but it seems to me you could do something else during the parts that impact your legs,
    I thought of it but thats ALOT of her work out so if im subbing so much time to find a new activity lol
  • It's hard to be specific without more details about your physical limitations. You need to make sure your doctor is giving you a specific diagnosis and reasons for restricting you from certain activities.

    To be honest, if you are seeing a therapist, he or she should be the one you should be asking for advice on exercise activities that are appropriate for you. If the therapist doesn't know, or doesn't exercise, then I would look into finding a new therapist. It just makes more sense to avail yourself of the professional expertise that is right there.

    As for your comments re the therapist's perceived "dislike" for Jillian Michaels, I can only say that you will get a similar response from most knowledgeable fitness professionals. She is, at best, mediocre. I usually keep my opinions about her to myself because, for all of her faults, she does motivate a lot of people to work out and that's usually the most important thing. However, being forced to look for alternatives to 30DS is a blessing in disguise, IMO.

    Thanks so much yes I have heard alot of good and bad she kinda annoys me but I just turn her down and turn up music lol
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    I broke my tibia and shattered the inside and outside of my ankles and have a 12 inch metal plate with 8 screws metal to bone and 2 bone to bone. Having said that, I started JM30DS and had the same problem. Not to the point that I couldn't get out of bed but I started having issues with my ankles and my knees. I thought I was performing the exercises wrong and that might have been the problem but it wasn't. There are MANY on this site that suffer with serious knee pain while doing JM30DS. She is an awesome motivator and for those that can continue to do her video's, awesome! But, there are some who just aren't able too. I am one of them! I visited my PT and was told the same thing. NO JM. He told me to do lower impact exercises...i.e...walking, low impact aerobics, swimming, bicycling, elliptical, leg lifts with light weights, twists, he even suggested a hula hoop! I have had no more problems with my ankles or my knees since I stopped the JM30DS. I know she has done great things for a lot of people but there are some that just can't do her exercises! Hang in there and research YouTube videos and see if you see anything there that you might like to try and do. There are some full video's on YT but most are short. Just enough to determine if you want to try it out. Also, check out the Real Age site. They have good video's on there and most are full version! Good luck!!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    There are MANY on this site that suffer with serious knee pain while doing JM30DS

    Funny because my sister has a knee problem, has for years and the 30-DS was the best thing for her, she had to quit my bBeloved Turbo Jam - which I guess nowt contradicts my previous suggestion to do Turbo Jam/kickboxing. She joined a gym and is doing 30ds like exercises and some more she learned from a free personal training session.

    I guess each person is different.

    As yes, Jillian's movements are unnatural and she is not a qualified trainer, look up her qualifications (or lack thereof) so it’s no surprise a physiotherapist would be anti-Jillian.
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I wouldn't just give up on high impact workouts right away, and I'd get a second opinion. Proper technique and really good shoes goes a long way to making it safe. If I had listened to my doctor years ago I would not have put on 20lbs of muscle and wouldn't be in better shape now than I was then. I've had to contend with multiple leg and low back problems and their are ways to work around anything that may truly be harmful to what you are doing. I do P90X as my main workout, and there are a couple of techniques I'm not comfortable with but I'm on my third round and my knees are stronger than ever and my back is stronger than most people I know who don't have back problems. I've even started running again and am preparing for a 10k in April. Like I said, it at least deserves a second opinion, preferably a sports specialist that will understand what you want to do and is up on the current methods to get you there.

    I never forget once I was at the Doctor, and I was telling him how this certain routine bothered my back. His deadpan answer...."well don't do that". That was my last visit with him and I do routines like that all the time now (impact, jumping type stuff).
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Each person is different and her comment about having 400 lb people doing jumping jacks and if they can do it, you can do it is simply wrong. how can having 400 lbs. slamming down on your knees and ankles while doing jumping jacks be a good thing?? At any rate...that is a personal opinion. I realize that she is trying to motivate people and that is a good thing. But her exercises are not for everyone. My PT did not have good things to say about her and said he could count on one hand how many people had come in to see him in the last month who had been doing a JM DVD and were injured because of it. He even suggested to me that once I was able to power walk for 45 minutes, to start a cardio Billy Banks DVD. Richard Simmons Dancing to the Oldies was another suggestion. For the weight training he wanted me to go to a trainer, explain the low impact issue and work with them until I was familiar with how to do it safely without being hurt.
  • cspinney
    cspinney Posts: 81 Member
    You could also just back off on those workouts. I really think doing 30 day shred every day is too much - you need time off in between to recover.

    I really enjoy DVDs that incorporate weights with cardio (The FIRM for example; Crunch Burn & Firm Pilates is also one of my favorites and is lower impact) but I wouldn't do those every day - I alternate with straight cardio days, or yoga/pilates workouts. You could also look at something like Jackie Warner's DVDs that give you the option of strength training different body parts on different days - so you could do upper body one day, lower the next, then abs after that. This gives your muscles a chance to recover in between.
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Did the break heal properly? I'm kind of surprised that you are still have issues this many years later. Bones continually remodel themselves to repair. By this point it shouldn't be a point of weakness, rather maybe a stronger one. The only thing I can think of as to why the DR doesn't like JM workouts is because they are high impact & fast paced. Ask your PT & your DR for alternative solutions. You do want to make sure you include weight bearing exercises. This helps build healthy muscle, promotes denser & stronger bones and decreases your risk of osteopenia or osteoporosis. Women are more susceptible to this, and it starts in our 30's. Hopefully this won't be a lifelong problem. I use the elliptical machine, I have a bad back & joint problems so I can't move and jump around to keep up with fast paced w/o's like JM does. It's still good cardio, good weight bearing & works my butt off! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
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