ultimate taebo challenge

Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
First off another small success story, I got all the way through the full 90 minute DVD! Yay for me! Then a question. This says I burned 1491 calories. Not that I wasn't sweating and panting the whole time, lol, but that seems high! How do I know for sure?


  • Gotta get a HRM thats the only true tell
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    Get a HRM if you can. I've heard people say Wal Mart sells them for about $30. I wore mine during the Tae Bo Bootcamp Dvd and was surprised how low my calorie burned was. Guess it's because it's more strength focused than cardio.

    The numbers in the database for exercise are member added and based on that person's information that they entered when they input the exercise. Everyone is going to be different. So if you can, buy a heart rate monitor (HRM).
  • It's on my wish list, but no funds in the foreseeable future.
  • utes09
    utes09 Posts: 561 Member
    PS Congrats on making it through. I know sometimes I want to curse Billy Blanks...especially the next day. hahaha:laugh:
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    I find that MFP seriously over calculates for TaeBo. I do it at least once a week now & I have the Foundation & Energy & the Amped series.

    With Amped (& the amp stick) I burn about 400-450 in ~50 mins. Now, I'm 5'6" & weigh 170-175 (yeah, I bounce around, but that's another story). With the Foundation, it's MUCH lower b/c that is basic steps...and Energy's burn is about the same as Amped per min (I can't remember how long the Energy program is...).

    Anyhoo, HTH. I don't know how you would get an accurate calculation w/o a HRM. Congrats on making it through 90 minutes! THAT is AWESOME!!
  • Thanks! Yea, I'll be sore tomorrow for sure and want to do JM shred on level 2. Thanks for the feedback ladies! I changed it to 750, I think that's a better guesstimate. And ill check out Walmart for a HRM.
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    I have a cheapie HRM from Walmart that works just fine (of course, I still paid like $90 for it, so it wasn't *that* cheap to ME!)
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