Yikes!! Am I really working out??

Hello to any and all people that read this....

I am a 42 year old mother of 2 grown children.

Menopause hit me early -- I was 35. I know -- sounds great right? Ya until you realize that along with menopause comes the dreaded night sweats (ya I can handle that), the hot flashes (those can be tolerated too) but the 45 extra pounds must be killed! What happened to my metabolism? Sheesh!!

So here I go, headed into this journey of counting calories and exercise to rid my body of its now pear shape.

Anybody who wants to add me, I welcome the support. You will get just as much back from me as you go through your weight loss journey until we are all happy to be where we want to maintain how we look.

Best of luck to you all on your trip through this irksome but necessary time of our lives.

