how often do you weigh?



  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    I typically will weigh in on Saturday mornings. However, I think I'm going to change to Monday's because in the past when I get a satisfying reading - I would tend to eat "a little more" over the weekend! Then, I'm back to square one - Ugh!!!

  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    I typically will weigh in on Saturday mornings. However, I think I'm going to change to Monday's because in the past when I get a satisfying reading - I would tend to eat "a little more" over the weekend! Then, I'm back to square one - Ugh!!!

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I have tried it all and I never wait a week to weigh anymore. For 39 years of my life I never weighed and was in denial. Never again. So I weigh most days of the week to make sure I do not put on too much weight. When I stopped weighing daily I creeped back up 80 pounds and so I learned from that so now I weigh almost every single day so I can self correct or analyze gain and losses.

    I keep in mind certain times of the month I may have gains and as long as I ate right I ignore the gains and when TOM is gone I usually go right back down if I don't give into TOM's cravings.....:-)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I would usually weigh in every day, and was getting obsessed with the scale and frustrated by the numbers. I vowed not to weigh myself from Dec 1st until I go out of town o nthe 23rd. I think that having a looming weigh in will help keep me motivated, as well as not getting frustrated by weight fluctuations. It's a hard habit to break though!
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    I weigh first thing in the morning just about every day. After I pee, pre-shower. The number gives me an idea of what my day should be like diet and exercise wise. Up a pound? Drink more water today and watch the sugars. Down a few? Celebrate, feel great about myself, extra motivaton to workout believe it or not! Any time I see a loss I record it, and I don't record gains. I am trying really hard to stay positive through this whole thing so I don't beat myself down and quit (like I always have before) and I think my "system" works really well to keep that attitude.

    this sounds just like what i do and i'm down 29lbs so something must be working!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Monday mornings after I get out of bed.
  • mt2008
    mt2008 Posts: 46 Member
    I weigh in on Friday mornings too, before my shower. I sometimes hop on during the week out of curiosity!
  • jessemerson86
    jessemerson86 Posts: 174 Member
    I weigh in on Friday mornings first thing when I get up. I've also started weighing in on the first and last day of the month since I've joined some monthly challenges. Very rarely do I weigh myself aside from that. I do have a Wii Fit, so sometimes if I'm doing exercise on that I'll check my weight, but I try to avoid that if possible just so I don't stress about it.
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    I weigh myself...well, anytime I have time without the other people in my house, 'cause the scale's in someone else's bathroom, plus it makes me feel uncomfortable.
    So, any morning when they're not around, I weigh myself.
  • cjusticeg
    cjusticeg Posts: 90 Member
    Wednesdays, no real reason, just the day I started doing my weigh-ins.
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    I'm in a very small minority. I weight in only once a month but do my measurements every two weeks. I became so obsessed with the number that it made me feel horrible when it stayed the same even though I was going down in my clothing sizes fairly quickly. So I go mainly by measurements now.
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
  • jettacone
    jettacone Posts: 2 Member
    I used to weigh in once a week. Usually on Saturday mornings. Now I weigh in every two weeks Still on Saturday. I got sick of the scale battle and it just seems to work better for me.
  • elizarae11
    i weight myself everyday, but i am going to start just recording it once a week probably sundays (I got the idea from here, thanks guys!)
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    I'm in a very small minority. I weight in only once a month but do my measurements every two weeks. I became so obsessed with the number that it made me feel horrible when it stayed the same even though I was going down in my clothing sizes fairly quickly. So I go mainly by measurements now.

    I too was obsessed with the holy numbers on the scale- now I weigh in twice a month and go by the tape measure.
    I started working out with kettlebells, so I'm starting to gain a bit of muscle mass which means I'm loosing #s as fast-
    big deal:bigsmile:
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    I weigh myself 1st thing every morning , I dont pay too much attention to the number , as I know it can change daily. I record it usually once a week and thats when the number matters.

    It is a bit of an obsession , I dont think its unhealthy though
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • laurenbausch
    I'm totally obsessed. My fiance' says that he is going to hide the scales. I didn't weigh myself today, but I might again tomorrow. I don't know. . .Weight does have a tendency to fluctuate, and I need to be aware of this before I allow myself to get discouraged. With the wedding next month, I'm still trying to lose a little bit more weight.