Finding friends and family frustrating.



  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    These are your friends? Chose wisely
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I didnt post this thread to be told that my friends are ignorant. I posted it to try and explain to my friends that the 'medias perfect weight' isnt applicable to everyone. My friends are all highly educated as am i and i dont appreciate rude comments. All i was asking was how do I explain to them that being a certain weight doesnt mean your 'healthy' or unhealthy

    I guess you first have to figure out where they're getting the idea that there is One Perfect Weight, because I am 100% confident that didn't come out of a kinesiology or nutrition textbook.

    Lebron James is 6'8" - should he weigh 160 pounds?

    Lean on their common sense, at some point it will click in.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    So ive seen a few posts about this...but recently its been happening to me and driving me insane. So my friends whom range in height from 5'2-5'6 all think that 120 is like the ideal weight for EVERY height. When I said that I had officially lost 40 pounds and was sitting at 158-160 pounds they all freaked out. They thought that was a huge number, that theyd be so embarassed if they weighed that much and that that's how much a boy should weigh not a girl....

    How do I explain to my friends that 120 pounds at 6 foot is unresonable? And that 145-150 may not be a healthy goal for them but is for my height ?

    Just don't bother - some people won't take it on board.

    My sister's fixation with the scales is a little scary. She is about 5'6 and weighs about 143lb. She wants to get down to 130lb because that is her 'lightest weight'.

    The only other time she was at this weight she had spent a year or so of weekends taking drugs and not eating!!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    So ive seen a few posts about this...but recently its been happening to me and driving me insane. So my friends whom range in height from 5'2-5'6 all think that 120 is like the ideal weight for EVERY height. When I said that I had officially lost 40 pounds and was sitting at 158-160 pounds they all freaked out. They thought that was a huge number, that theyd be so embarassed if they weighed that much and that that's how much a boy should weigh not a girl....

    How do I explain to my friends that 120 pounds at 6 foot is unresonable? And that 145-150 may not be a healthy goal for them but is for my height ?

    Just don't bother - some people won't take it on board.

    My sister's fixation with the scales is a little scary. She is about 5'6 and weighs about 143lb. She wants to get down to 130lb because that is her 'lightest weight'.

    The only other time she was at this weight she had spent a year or so of weekends taking drugs and not eating!!

    Can I get her number?
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    Good grief, haven't they ever seen a height/weight chart?

    Sounds like me with training the dog: everyone has an opinion on how things SHOULD be done. The only one that counts for you is YOURS because you are putting in the work.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    "Ignorant" really is the right word to use. Obviously, your friends lack some basic knowledge when it comes to height/weight ratios.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Brush off the haters!!!
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    wow your friends sound ignorant :/
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Stop discussing the number with your friends. Honestly, there's no reason for them to know what your number is, if you're happy with how you look who cares what the scale says??

    And ignorant doesn't mean stupid. It means uneducated. And even though your friends are nutrition majors, if they think there is one perfect weight for everyone regardless of heigh, I have serious concerns about the quality of the education they are receiving and hope that it improved before they are let loose on some poor client. Maybe you should recommend they discuss that little theory with their lecturer.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I didnt post this thread to be told that my friends are ignorant. I posted it to try and explain to my friends that the 'medias perfect weight' isnt applicable to everyone. My friends are all highly educated as am i and i dont appreciate rude comments. All i was asking was how do I explain to them that being a certain weight doesnt mean your 'healthy' or unhealthy

    If they are so "highly educated", why do you have to explain to them at all??
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    Your friends sound very ignorant.

    I checked your profile to confirm your're about 6 years older than I expected.

    Why are you wasting time on stupid people?

    And your comment sounds very ignorant? Its not so much that there ignorant nor are rude. But more so that thats what theyve been taught is the perfect weight. 2 of my friends are food and nutrition majors and the other is a kinesiology major. So no there not ignorant, there well educated and just alittle confused.

    If they're food, nutrition, kinesiology majors, and think that ONE WEIGHT is the proper weight for ALL BODY TYPES... where did they go to school? I mean this in all seriousness, because it's sort of a huge deal that anyone in the health industry thinks that 160 lbs is too much for someone who is 6 foot. You may not think this is ignorant, but what if they told a client this? Think about how devastating that would be to a person's health, being told that they need to be thinner than they need to be. Kidney failure, eating disorders, physiological issues, hair falling out... these are all serious side effects of trying to lose too much weight.

    Ignorant means "lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular", and it sounds like your friends are very ignorant when it comes to a person's weight.

    What should you tell them? That there's not one specific, magical weight that fits every body type. Physical and metabolically, it's a ridiculous notion. Since they're all health majors though... that's something that you shouldn't have to tell them. That's something they should already KNOW.
  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Perfect solution: wait 3 months and tell them you hit 120. They wont know the difference.