Exercise Help

Hi everyone. A little bit of background before I ask my question in case it helps. I'm 27, 5"6, and 270lbs ish. I've been relatively sedentary for a long time and am just getting back into exercise. My exercise routine for the last 6 weeks has been as follows:

Mon - Fri: Bike ride to and from swimming baths (about 30-40 mins total ride), swim (breaststroke) for 80 minutes
Sat-Sun: Rest days

I know I'm getting fitter and stronger with this, but I would like to ask for advice on exercises that are good for stomach fat specifically. Please note that I can't run/jog or jump rope due to medical conditions, and I'm a total obese beginner.

Thanks for your help everyone


  • MsBetteDavis
    MsBetteDavis Posts: 118 Member
    The problem is that you can't spot reduce. So I can suggest exercises that are meant to focus on your core area (like all of those machines that you'll see at a gym) but you won't lose the fat only on your stomach just because you're doing those exercises.

    I think it's great that you're keeping yourself moving 5 days a week. I would, however, suggest adding some strength training into your routine to help you along.
  • WombatHat42
    WombatHat42 Posts: 192 Member
    I know I'm getting fitter and stronger with this, but I would like to ask for advice on exercises that are good for stomach fat specifically. Please note that I can't run/jog or jump rope due to medical conditions, and I'm a total obese beginner.

    Sorry but there is no such thing. Weight comes off where it comes off. You cant spot train and get more fat off from one spot or another. The body wasnt designed that way. Since you cant run/jump rope can you swim or bike? Do intervals on the bike 30sec at high intensity and 90sec at low.
  • tanjavelic
    Try with T25...... ab intervals....for your stomach, but his all exercises are great for weigh loss, i lost 4 kg in a month.....